Monday, December 7, 2009

It's Coming Along

Coffee Buzz is really starting to take shape. The walls are done and they started painting today! The next step is for Best Buy for Business (yes this is a plug) to come in and do all the wiring for our sound system, tv and computer. We also have someone coming in to do the alarm. Once that stuff is done they'll paint the ceiling and start on the floors! The guys are moving so quickly that they're actually going to have to take a couple of weeks off while we wait for all of our equipment to be delivered! We're estimating that everything will be done by the second week of January!!! From there we'll need to hire, train and practice then it will be time to actually open for business!!!!!! Here are a few pictures I took today---how much do you love the yellow walls?

This will be the front counter and service area!

View from the front door

Here is our fireplace! We're going to mount a tv over the mantle, it will also be covered with really cool white stone.

This is the second window we put in! The frame is all set, now it's just a matter of getting that bad boy in there!

Here's the view from the other side.

This is our back storage room and office.

This is one of our bathrooms!

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