Monday, January 4, 2010

Don't Say Wire

So, without going into a really long, elaborate and boring story about wiring, I will simply say I am so sick of the word WIRE. Construction has now been delayed three weeks because of wiring---miscommunication regarding wiring, wiring done wrong, people thinking someone is doing certain wiring when really they are supposed to do the wiring, wiring that needs to be done that no one knew needed to be done. You can see how this could get exhausting.

I had a meeting today that will hopefully remedy the wiring debauchery. Once some of the wiring gets fixed they can finish painting and finally do the ceiling. From there, it's downhill. We are hoping we can still hit our early February opening, but right now that all depends on the "w" word. So keep your fingers crossed.

While I was there today I took this picture of our spot:

We are right up front on the corner. The whole complex is called Harmony Vista and will be a part of the community Hoigaard Village. Want to live above Coffee Buzz? Check it out:

1 comment:

  1. Who is doing your build-out? If you need any good subcontractors let me know...I know a few...including an AMAZING electrician.


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