Friday, April 30, 2010

Make Over

As you can see I gave my blog a little makeover! I was inspired by my friend Carolyn (read her super cute blog here: to create my own background instead of using one of the pre-made ones like I had before. Let me tell you, it wasn't easy. I found a tutorial on YouTube and watched that a couple of times, then went to work on Adobe Photoshop. I found the cute papers I used to create the background at Then came the hard part, getting it all laid out how I wanted it, making sure all the sizing was took all night but I'm really happy with how it came it out!

Also, if you read my blog...BECOME A FOLLOWER! The more I get the cooler I feel and the more inspired I am to write about these fascinating topics that you all love to read. So, just scroll to the bottom of my blog and look on the right hand side where it says "FOLLOW," just click on that button and follow the prompts! Make it official! Show me the love!

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