Thursday, April 1, 2010


I cannot believe it's already been one month since we opened our doors for business! I am really excited about how everything is going so far! We're averaging about 50 tickets per day, which is a decent flow of traffic. Of course, it's slower than we would like but it's only been a month! We're finding that Saturday is our busiest day, and while Sunday used to be our worst day we're seeing it really start to pick up! We're currently working on getting some patio furniture to add some outdoor seating and I will also be attending a drink workshop in a couple of weeks and will hopefully get some great ideas for a couple of special summer drinks! We recently had an ad written in the St. Louis Park local news paper, so hopefully that will drive in some more traffic! 
Thank you so much to all of our friends and family for your undying support and for bringing in so much business for us! We love you!


  1. Congrats hon! :) So excited for both of you!


  2. I can't be more happy for you guys!
    You're in a tough business, as I was at one time and I can tell you it is a 24-7 one! You know that now!
    all I can tell you for success is, be good to the customers, no matter what. And give them a good value for thier money!
    Love and good luck,


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