Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Empire State of Mind

By the time this posts I will be on a plane heading to New York City!!! I know all my devoted readers would be beside themselves if they couldn't read my blog while I was gone for four days, so I scheduled some posts ahead of time to get your through while I'm gone. I thought since I am spending time in my favorite city in the world I would post some of my favorite memories from past trips to the Big Apple, so be looking forward to that!

To get you in the mood, have a look at these photos I have taken over the years of some of my favorite New York City landmarks.

Brooklyn Bridge
 How gorgeous is this bridge?! One of these days I'd like to walk across it. And a word to the wise, if you ever take the Brooklyn double-decker bus tour...sit below until you're over the bridge! It's much too scary being up top and looking over the side of the bridge! 

Central Park
This is one of my all time favorite pictures I have ever taken in NYC. I want to have it blown up and framed. It's so beautiful and really shows off the metropolitan feel of the city, even though you're in the massive and beautiful park. 
This one was taken from a family friend's apartment...can you imagine waking up to that view every morning? Where do I sign up?!
This is the Bethesda Fountain. Every time I see if I am taken back by how beautiful it is. Here's some fun history for you. The fountain, also called "The Angel of Waters" was the only sculpture commissioned as part of the original design of Central Park. The focal point of the sculpture, the angel, symbolizes and celebrates the purifying of the city's water supply. She holds a lily in one hand symbolizing purity while the other hand is extended blessing the water. One of my favorite spots in the city. 

Flatiron Building
I love this building! It's so cool! It's hard to believe at one time this building was the tallest building in Manhattan (can you tell I've been on a lot of NYC tours?) I love that it sits at a triangular intersection and mirrors the shape of the roads. 
The Lion King
Alright alright, I realize this isn't technically a landmark but the Lion King is the most amazing Broadway show of all time. I've been lucky enough to see the show twice on Broadway and both times I was brought to tears. It honestly is remarkable. If you haven't seen it...GO. Whether it's on Broadway or not, every one young and old, male and female NEEDS to see this show. 

The Empire State Building
A true classic. Probably the most recognizable Manhattan landmark and cripes is it high! My very first trip to New York we went to the top (see a pic from that HERE) and I was shakin' in my boots. That elevator ride seems like an eternity and being out on the observation deck was a little scary, until I got used to it, then is was amazing! The sky was really clear and we went at night, so we could see all the way out to the Statue of Liberty and could see her torch all lit up...super cool. 

Saks Fifth Avenue
C'mon girls..I know you're feeling me on this one! 

South Street Sea Port
I LOVE this area! It's right on the Hudson River, so you get to be by the water. There's all kinds of fun shops and restaurants and this is where you hop on to take the Circle Line Tour to see the Statue of Liberty! Plus, look how pretty it is! 

Statue of Liberty
No words necessary.

Chrysler Building
This is my favorite building in NYC. I love when it's lit up in white every night. It's so gorgeous!!! 

Have a great week everybody! 


  1. Stumbled upon your blog while reading an update from the Dining Diva. Hope your trip was fantastic!

  2. You lucky ducky! Hope it's a blast!


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