Monday, May 17, 2010

Four Christmases

Saturday night I got home from work around 5:30pm and was completely exhausted, so I hopped into bed and ordered the movie “Four Christmases.”
I absolutely adore Reese Witherspoon and love Vince Vaughn, so I couldn’t believe I hadn’t seen this movie yet. It is about a couple who every year for Christmas lies to their families about going on some sort of service trip, when in fact they are taking a fabulous vacation and avoiding seeing their families. When their trip to Fiji gets canceled they are forced to travel to four different parents’ homes and face celebrating Christmas with their dreaded families. There were some funny parts, there were some cute parts but for the most part I was hugely disappointed by this movie. The end was really abrupt and really stupid. I think it would have been much better with a little more substance, it was like the film makers were trying to pack too much into too short a time. I will say, though, that Kristin Chenoweth (who played Reese Witherspoon’s sister) was hilarious, as always, and was the best part of the movie. Overall, I don’t recommend it.

Despite the fact that this movie was borderline awful, I did relate to it, to some extent. J and I have to deal with Four Christmases and Four Thanksgivings every year, as both sets of our parents are divorced. We, however, love these holidays and would never imagine taking a vacation during them. I will say, it’s a lot of work and can be exhausting but we have four sets of parents who love us, so we’re lucky. The only thing that really stinks about the whole thing is we have to spread ourselves so thin, it’s hard to leave holiday events early or come late. But, after three years we have it down to a science.

Christmas Eve afternoon we go to my dad’s and spend time with his side of the family. We usually have some appetizers, open presents, maybe play a game or two. The worst part of having four Christmases (for me) is I have to miss dinner at my dad’s which is my grandma’s amazing stroganoff.
 Me, My dad, J, my brother Nate and his girlfriend Tate. Not at Christmas, obviously.

Then, Christmas Eve night we go to J’s aunt and uncle’s and spend time with his dad’s HUGE side of the family, which is always a blast. After that we go to his dad’s to open the Christmas Eve present of “jammies!” They have a tradition where every Christmas Eve everyone gets new pajama’s that we wear Christmas morning. Which brings me to Christmas Day…we spend the morning with J’s dad and have breakfast and open gifts.
 Me and J with his dad and step-mom, Kevin and Judye

Then Christmas Day afternoon we go to my mom’s. She always makes a big Greek dinner which I look forward to for the 364 days following Christmas. It’s so good!
My soon-to-be step-sisters Marissa and Natalie, my soon-to-be step-dad, my mom, me and my brother
Finally, either on Christmas Day or the day after we head up to Milaca, MN to spend time with J’s mom. We don’t get to see them nearly as much as the rest of our family so we’ll usually stay overnight. Christmas in Milaca usually consists of a delicious brisket dinner and a trip to the nearby town of Bock, population 106, which is home to the most amazing small town bar, Roy’s.
Me and J with his mom and step-dad, Lisa and Deward

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