Saturday, June 5, 2010

Delicious Dinner Date

Last night, something happened that hasn't happened in I don't know how long.....J and I had no plans! On a Friday night! We didn't have any plans!!!! After the craziness that has been the past few weeks, J and I were beyond thrilled to have a night at home to ourselves to do NOTHING! In an attempt to work towards crossing off some more stuff from my 30 Before 30 list:

10. Become an awesome cook

19. Eat dinner at the table. 

Recently, J and I have been really in to ground turkey and using turkey prodcuts in place of beef or pork. It's much better for you and tastes amazing. So, I decided to try a new recipe and tweak one of my own using some of Jennie-O's amazing turkey products. It turned out really good, so I thought I'd share it with all of you lovely people.

This meal is brought to you by Jennie-O:

Turkey Burgers with Bacon Potato Salad


Turkey Burgers
-1 lb. Jennie-O Extra Lean ground turkey
-1/2 a white onion (chopped)
-1/2 bag of Uncle Ben's Whole Grain Brown Ready Rice (uncooked)
-1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
-1 tsp of chopped garlic
-2 tbsp olive oil 

Bacon Potato Salad
-3 lbs Baby Red Potatoes
-8-10 slices of Jennie-O Turkey Bacon (depending on love for bacon...I used 10)
-1 1/2 tbsp Salt
-1/4 tbsp Pepper
-1/4 cup Olive Oil
-1/4 cup Cider Vinegar
-2 tbsp Honey Mustard
-1/2 White Onion (chopped)


Turkey Burgers

-Preheat oven to 400 degrees (unless you have a grill...then GRILL 'EM!)
-Mix ALL of the ingredients in a large bowl (easiest to do it by hand)
-Divide the mix into 6 equal sized patties and place in a greased glass baking dish (Tip: don't pack the patties too tight. Just gently roll the meat into a ball and lightly push flat)

-Bake in the oven for about 20-25 minutes until cooked through. Make sure to flip half way through.
*Mine were a little dry and I had them in about 28 minutes

Bacon Potato Salad
-Divide potatoes into 1/8's or 1/16's and throw in a large pot

-Fill the pot with water to just cover the potatoes. Bring to a boil, then cover and reduce heat. Cook until tender (takes about 12-15 minutes)
-In a large bowl mix Honey Mustard, Cider Vinegar, Olive Oil, Salt, and Pepper and whisk until blended

-Strain potatoes and add them (still hot) to the sauce. Gently fold the potatoes into the sauce so they do not break. Let them sit at room temperature for 30 minutes.

-In the meantime cook the bacon in a frying pan until crispy
-Chop the bacon into small pieces
-After 30 minutes add the chopped onions and bacon to the potatoes and sauce. Serve!


Eat your turkey burgers with:
If you have never had Frank's Red Hot sauce you need to get to the store and buy a bottle RIGHT NOW! It is my obsession! I put in on EVERYTHING and I mean EVERY. THING. It's cayenne pepper sauce so it adds a little bit of spice but doesn't cause your mouth to burst into flames. It's so flavorful and so delicious! I put it on eggs, burgers, tacos, in soup, on spaghetti-o's, pasta, salad, EVERY. THING!!!!

To complete the meal serve it up with an ice cold
And you're in business! Have a GREAT weekend everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Yum yum yum!!! Both the burger and the salad - plus the hot sauce - my tummy is rumbling!


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