Friday, June 25, 2010

Dr. Corona

Growing up my dad would always take my brother and me to Canterbury Park, the horse track here in Minnesota. We always had a blast and I then continued to go frequently with my friends. Growing up at the track I would never have guessed in a million years that I would one day be standing in the winner's circle!

J's mom and step-dad live about and hour and a half north of the cities in Milaca, MN. They have a great house on a huge property. They own four horses, two really fat goats (I mean really fat), two German Shepards, and a promiscuous barn cat (when I say promiscuous I mean pro-mis-cuous....she's had three litters in the past year!) One of their horses, Dr. Corona (don't you LOVE the name?) is a race horse at Canterbury! This summer is his third summer racing, and last year he got his first WIN!!!

 Dr. Corona right after he won his first race!!!

Me and J with his parents IN THE WINNER'S CIRCLE! The tall boy behind me is my little brother! He comes to a lot of Corona's races and I was super excited he was there for the win and could come in the circle with us!

Even though I grew up going to the track I have always been afraid of horses. I have never ridden one. They are so massive and so strong, they could kill you without even trying. And, after the Christopher Reeves incident I vowed to never get on a horse. It may be hard to keep this vow considering who my boyfriend and his parents are....but I've made it this long. Two years ago on Thanksgiving after many adult beverages I was pretty much forced to go out to the barn and see the horses. Before I knew it I was in the pen with Dr. Corona...the biggest horse ever!

Now that I got over my fear...I love him! I love watching him race and it's such a fun activity we get to do with J's parents. His first race this season he got 4th place but had his best time to date and last weekend he came in 5th and ran a not-so-good race. We found out after that he has a cold that has been going around the stable so he wasn't breathing well during the race. He's on some antibiotics and is set to race again tonight! Cross your fingers and hopefully I will have another winner circle picture for you on Monday!

Also, just briefly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the American public and the judges of So You Think You Can Dance for giving Cristina the boot! I couldn't take her massively large braces for one more minute. Now if we could all just will the same fate to Melinda 'Hot Pants' Sullivan. Thank you.

And one last thing....

Favorite Fridays
Today's topic over at Jen's blog is:
Celebrity Couple (That DIDN'T Make It!)

Of course the first one I think of is
C' us all a favor dump the skank and get back together! PLEASE?

Then more recently....
I love both of them and thought they were SOOOO cute together! 

Ok, I'm really done now. Is it just me or are my posts getting dangerously long?


  1. Looooved Reese with Jake. And, of course, Brad and Jen!! Good choices! :)

  2. So sad about both couples! They were so cute!

  3. Your posts aren't getting dangerously long... they're getting dangerously awesome! :) LOL Love Corona... love Brad and Jen... love Reese and Jake!! Good work all around.

  4. How fun! I love going to the horse races

  5. How fun!! That horse is so pretty.

    And I was so sad about both those couples too...

  6. As a child I was convinced that I would own a horse of my own by the time I was thirteen - didn't happen. Someday, hopefully. Dr. Corona is adorable - and I love the name!

    And Reese and Jake? I'm still hoping that they get back together. Cutest. Couple. Ever!! :)

  7. Good for you and getting over your fear!!

  8. EXCELLENT choices! Totally agree :)

  9. Congratulations on Dr. Corona's win and being in the winner's circle! That's so awesome. Further incentive to get me and Bruce down to Canterbury Park. I rode as a teenager and absolutely loved it; I went through the very typical horse fever as a young girl and learned how to ride. NOTHING quite matches the feeling of an easy canter along a wooded trail! Next step, Kristin, getting ONTO the horse!

  10. now i want a horse just so i can name it dr. corona.

    oh and i'm still eating myself to death after reese and jake's break up. it was heartbreaking.

  11. your blog is too stinkin cute! And I LOVE that you guys own a coffee shop! My fiance and I dream of that from time to time, we are addicts!


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