Saturday, June 19, 2010

Pearly Blogger!

I am SO EXCITED because today I am being featured on one of my favorite blogs!

A Girl in Pearls
Jen started a super cute idea, Pearly Bloggers, to profile new bloggers to help get them some exposure and allow them to share a little about themselves on her wonderful blog! So, PLEASE, go check out her blog and check out my little blurb! :)


  1. Came over from Jenns blog! Isn't she the best?

    I'm a fellow Minnesotan, and I'm very psyched to read more of your posts! :)

    I love new blog friends!

  2. saw your post on pearly blogger, and got really excited about it! Yay for puggle mom's. :)

  3. Saw you on Jen's blog!

    Love the fact that you own your own coffe shop...I would looove to do that!

    Good luck with everything!

    And I can't say I'm a UM fan (Buckeye Fan born and raised!) but at least they are in the Big 10 :)


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