Monday, June 21, 2010

The Beginning of the End.

Our super awesome amazing employee Sara that we love put in her two weeks notice, two weeks ago. Every two years, Crowne College (where Sara got her undergrad) hires an Admissions Assistant intern and with the internship gives away a scholarship for a Master's degree....Sara got it. We are so happy for her and this is an amazing experience she is getting, but it sucks for us. Sara is so dependable, responsible, has tons of coffee shop experience, is great with the customers, gets stuff done....needless to say we're REALLY going to miss her. Sara's last day was yesterday which means starting today J and I are Coffee Buzz's only employees, which means bye bye free time. We'll still each get one day off a week and will be able to leave early or sleep in a couple times a week...but it's just us. Eventually, we'll hire another employee but it will take significant time to get someone we trust and is as awesome as Sara, so for now we'll just hold down the fort.

This means our social life will be hibernating. This is the beginning of the end of us having crazy nights out...well at least together. And, it's not all bad. Our lives will just be more low key.

We figured, the beginning of the end warranted a party, or at least a get a bar. Hey, I'll use any excuse to get all our friends together. Not far from Coffee Buzz they just built a new area called West End. It's filled with shops, restaurants and a huge movie theater. One of the restaurants is Toby Keith's I Love this Bar and Grill. A bunch of our regular customers had been there and were raving about it so we thought it'd be the perfect place for our social life's funeral. Here's what happened....
Me and Sarah...normally she wears really high heels and I don't....this is what happens when I wear heels and she wears flats. 

My boy. 

Me and my BB taking getting shots from the bartenders who walk on the bar and pass these out...for free! Pretty awesome.  

Me and my best buddy Christina attempting to take a good's always a process

Christina, me and Carolyn...two of my favorite girls on the planet

Shots for the crew....thanks Jake. 

Up front watching Jacob Martin! So fun! 

If you live in the Minneapolis area, I definitely recommend checking out this bar. It was HUGE and so fun! If you love country music, you will love this bar!

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend and your Father's Day!


  1. Having good trustworthy employees is hard to find... you'll find another one soon.. but until then, I'm sure laying low from the party scene and not having to pay another employee will be good perks too :) (look at the bright side somewhat.. haha) That bar definitely looked fun though!!

  2. ;) what a fun night! Looks like you wooped it up big for your last night.

    I hope you find someone dependable, and who wont be leaving any time soon! Good luck in the search!

  3. Thanks for the comment... Your shop looks amazing! And Starbucks is way over priced...Expand out to Columbus and I will become your most loyal customer :) Good luck finding a new employee! Looks like you had a great weekend!

  4. I am loving what you and your husband do... good luck with your shop. It looks like an amazing one! Glad I ran across your page!


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