Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thoughtless Thursday

It's Thursday! Which means everyone needs to go Katie's amazing blog and link up for...

I was looking through some old picture the other day and came across one of my all time favorite pictures....
This picture was taken three summers ago and is of me and my two best friends in the entire world...Christina and Libby. I have been friends with these two since middle school. Libby and I took drivers ed together, Christina helped me through my first semester of college when I was completely miserable. We stood by each other through boyfriends and breakups, the death of a parent, the drama of high school, and the struggles in college. I love these girls so much and feel so lucky to have two such amazing friends! If you're reading this, I Love You! I thought I'd better throw in a few of my other faves with my buddies....just for good measure.
This last one is St. Patrick's Day two years ago and that is my little brother, Nate...the four of us are trying to make a human four leaf clover. One of the MOST FUN nights ever!

All it's time to get down to business, SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE!

Was it just me or were the judges particularly cranky last night? They were so harsh and overly critical if you ask me. I realize this group of dancers is amazing and we're already down to the Top 10, but sheesh, they were so nit-picky!

Contestant: Cristina
Routine: Paso Doble
Choreographer: Jean-Marc and France
All-Star: Pasha

I know the judges LOVED this routine but I wasn't overly thrilled. It was a good routine and Cristina did very well, but I just don't like her...AT ALL.I felt she could have been stronger and more dominant in her movements, but what do I know? She'll probably be in the bottom again and the judges will wrongfully save her, yes I'm still bitter.

Contestant: AdeChike
Routine: Contemporary
Choreographer: Mandy Moore 
All-Star: Allison

Again, I was pretty underwhelmed by this routine. I know there wasn't supposed to be a story and it was supposed to be all about feelings but the routine just felt really there were very seperate parts to the routine, instead of a full flowing routine. I thought AdeChike did really well. I know the judges want him to show more emotion, and I agree...he tried this time but I felt the smiles were really forced and awkward and didn't really match the routine. That goes for Allison as well. This was my least favorite routine of the night and I think AdeChike may end up in the bottom three.

Contestant: Alex
Routine: Broadway
Choreographer: Tyce Diorio
All-Star: Lauren

Blah, I do not like Alex. He has the personality of a wet mop. I LOVED this routine though! I wish Kent or Billy could have danced this one...they would have rocked it! How hot was Lauren? I watched her the whole time! It was such a fun and quirky routine and I was bummed that Alex kind of brought it down. Totally agree with the judges on that one....I think he'll be safe though.

Contestant: Ashley
Routine: Jazz
Choreographer: Travis
All-Star: Mark

Ok, I agree with the judges that this routine was more contemporary than it was Jazz....but cripes! Give Travis a break! With the ever-expanding talents of dancers and choreographers the line distinguishing different styles is getting thinner and thinner. I mean, Alex's "Broadway" routine could have been "Jazz." I just feel bad for my boy Travis because I thought this was an amazing routine and all they focused on is how it wasn't Jazz. Lame. I love Ashley, she's my new favorite girl, sorry Lauren. She is so stinkin' cute and such a great dancer. I think and hope she'll be safe tonight.

Contestant: Billy
Routine: Krump
Choreographer: Lil C
All-Star: Comfort

Billy Bell and Krump go together like oil and water and the judges made sure to make that point known....over and over again. I thought Billy did GREAT! This is a style that is polar opposite to his own, and no it wasn't a perfect routine and no Billy Bell is not "buck" but I think he did a hell of a job and the judges were WAY to hard on him! I think he'll be safe.

Routine: Tango
Choreographer: Jean-Marc Genereux
All-Star: Anya

WOW! This routine was HOT! Pretty sure my TV was steaming! Favorite routine of the night!!! The Tango is my favorite of the Latin dances and this one was amazing! I thought Robert did awesome considering how fast the routine was, how much footwork there was, that is isn't his style and he was dancing with the Latin queen! Again, the judges were way too hard on him! Robert is definitely one of my faves, maybe even my #2 behind little Kent. Geez, just look at this picture....great, now my computer is steaming!

Contestant: Melinda
Routine: Contemporary
Choreographer: Stacey Tookey
All-Star: Ade

Yuck! I can't decide who I dislike more...Melinda or Cristina. Melinda got extremely lucky with this routine. She had a great partner, a great choreographer and a great routine with a great meaning. That dress however was the opposite of great...I agree with Mia, it was really distracting. I get she was the earth, but couldn't the costume department come up with something that wasn't so literal? Anyways, I thought she danced this well but not great. I would have LOVED to see Ashley or Lauren dance this! Anyways, I think cocky, overly-confident, self centered Melinda will be in trouble again tonight, at least I hope so.

Contestant: Jose

Routine: Bollywood
Choreographer: Nakul Dev Mahajan
All-Star: Kathryn

I LOVED THIS! I love Bollywood routines in general (Josh and Katie season 4 anyone?!) I really liked the Genie in a Bottle theme. I thought Jose did really well considering he has no formal dance training, is a B Boy and Bollywood is frickin' hard! It definitely had some mistakes but it was so fun to watch and Jose is just so cute and happy and excited and I love him. I think he will be just fine tonight.

Contestant: Lauren
Routine: Hip Hop
Choreographer: Tessandra Chavez
All-Star: Dominic

I liked this routine. I think it was good for Lauren to do something outside her comfort zone and challenge herself to prove she deserves to be there and isn't just a fan favorite for no reason. I agree with Mia that the "fight" scenes needed more emotions, it looked like a hip hop battle not a domestic dispute. Overall, I thought it was really good. Lauren took the judges criticism from last week and improved! I still love her and think she'll have no problems sliding by tonight.

Contestant: Kent
Routine: Jazz
Choreographer: Tyce Diorio
All-Star: Courtney

LOVED IT! What a great routine!!! And I don't think Courtney "ate Kent alive," I think he really held is own and did a great job portraying the character. Of course, it's hard to believe the character when we all now how damn cute, sweet and funny Kent is. I think he needs his own reality show where he just sits around and says funny stuff.....who's with me? He is still my favorite, I thought this routine was way better than last weeks and I think he'll FOR SURE be safe.
All photos from

Alright, my prediction this week may be biased because of hatred, but once again I am choosing MELINDA to be sent home.

Wow, that was long! Kudos if you got through the whole thing! Have a great Thursday everyone!


  1. Stopping over from life in the fuller lane. i totally want to watch that show now! thanks.

  2. what fun pictures and cute friends you have! i especially like the action dance shot, ha! and i love your hair cut to the shoulders with bangs in the front. CUTE!

    thanks for playing :)

  3. oh and ps I live in minnesota and would totally visit your coffee shop if it was close!

  4. Such cute pics of you and your friends!!
    Just wanted to tell you that I love your blog, gave you an award for being such a 'Sugar doll' in my last post:)

  5. What fun pictures! It's so great to have such wonderful girlfriends!


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