Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Where Does the Time Go?

Wowza, I had every intention of getting all my pictures uploaded and writing a super long post about my trip to NYC, but I actually had a lot of work to get done today. I've been away from the shop for basically a week, so needless to say, I had a lot of re-organizing to do. I am kind of a spaz about where things go and how things look, so even though the shop has been running beautifully without me, I need everything back to the way I want it.

Plus, I am really excited because we have decided to sell Papyrus greeting cards at the shop! Once we decided to add them I got really wound up about getting to pick out the cards, and while this process has been fun it's also been really daunting. They sent me a catalog with 100 pages of cards to choose from...we're talking over 1,500 cards here people! And if you've ever seen their cards you KNOW that they are really stinkin' cute! So, for our minimum order we need to order 82 packs of 6 cards. So that's 82 different cards, and it was super hard  figuring out how to split them up--how many birthday cards, thank you's, blank, get well, sympathy, wedding, baby, anniversary, etc etc etc!!! The hardest part was looking at the cards objectively, because of course I would order all of the ones with puppies or shoes on them...but I gotta please the audience! Don't worry there are a few super cute puppy ones along with some adorable shoe ones but I think I've got a good variety! So now that we've selected the cards we like I have to go back through and add up the cost to make sure we hit a certain number but don't exceed it, organize the cards we want so I don't have to flip through 100 pages every time I want to find one, fill out the Resale Certificate for the IRS, place the order, buy a display, wow....this list is getting quite long! Hopefully, the addition of the cards will be a hit and serve as a convenience for our customers! And because I love my followers so much, here's a little sneak peak at my FAVORITE card we're ordering!
How cute is that?! It's blank inside and TOTALLY fits with Coffee Buzz's bee theme (and my personal bee theme!) I think it's safe to say I will most likely be buying all six of these for myself....maybe I should order two packs?


  1. OK... two things.

    #1: Welcome back. I missed you DEARLY! Please don't leave me again! haha

    #2: I love Papyrus!! Super cute! That bee one is PERFECT for you!!!

  2. What a cute little blog! I'll totally be back!

  3. The bee card is so cute and I especially love that it's blank inside. I keep a stash of blank inside cards at home for those, "aw crap I forgot to get a card" moments as I'm running out the door.


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