Monday, June 28, 2010

Wonderful Little Weekend

This weekend was amazing. It was super low key and super awesome. Friday night we were supposed to go see Dr. Corona race but Minnesota got hit with some pretty crazy thunderstorms so the race was canceled. We were bummed but the night turned out great, J and I got some Chinese food and caught up on Top Chef (I think Kenny is my favorite.)

Saturday morning I worked but got to leave early to go spend the day with my favorite little Brody Bear. Our friends had a wedding to go to in Hudson, WI so J and I got to babysit their little 6 month old! I spent the afternoon chillin' with Brody then J came to help me out once Coffee Buzz was closed! It was great! I have a new respect for moms who walk their dog and the stroller at the same time (this is not easy). I also know that I am most certainly not ready for a baby but I am super confident that someday J and I will totally be able to handle it and be awesome at it. I also now know that Bailey gets super jealous but will be an awesome big sissy...she LOVED Brody and he loved her back!
My favorite part was giving Brody Bear a bath before bed. Naked babies are the cutest thing ever! We have some really cute pictures of him in the tub but I felt like putting naked pictures of someone else's baby online might be inappropriate! So you'll just have to trust me that it was really stinkin' cute!

Saturday night, our super awesome employee Sara (whose last day of work was last week) called to see if we by any chance wanted her to work on Sunday...heck yeah we did! It was wonderful! J and I got to have Sunday off together AND I got to cross another thing off my 30 Before 30 list!
30. Go to a Puggle Meet Up
Sunday afternoon, J and I took Bailey to a puggle meet up in White Bear Lake. Only five puggles showed up which actually turned out to be great because Bailey was very intimidated. It took her a while to warm up to all the other puggles but eventually (like right before we left) she was running around with the best of them. She was the only girl and was by far the smallest...which may have had something to do with her timidness. 
 On our way to see all the puggles!!!

Chillin' in the grass instead of playing
Finally playing!

 Bailey and her new friend, Jackson.

 Sooooo tired after so much playing!

After the puggle meet up, J and I wanted to take advantage of the beautiful day. I suggested mini golf or renting a paddle boat, J suggested margaritas....he won. We dropped the sleepy pooch off at home and then went to Majors (our favorite sports bar). We sat outside, split a couple of appetizers and had some drinks. It was an amazing afternoon. 
Quick side story, one of the Twin's pitchers, Karl Pavano, has recently grown an extremely large, bushy and oh-so-unattractive mustache. This mustache has been getting so much attention and has been the talk of the Twin Cities for a couple of weeks now. So yesterday, in honor of Pavano's mustache J and I took the follow picture (which J is going to use as his facebook picture on the days Pavano pitches...he thinks it will be good luck)

After Majors we went to my dad's to hang out. I got a much needed manicure from my little sister who is ridiculously good at doing nails.

And we ate this AMAZING meal!
Brisket on the grill, carrot/green bean/swiss cheese salad and mashed potatoes with au jus. 

We got home and gave our stinky puppy a much needed makeover; she got her ears cleaned, teeth brushed, nails clipped, coat brushed and finally got a bath with her brand new shampoo!
"mom, i am NOT liking this!"

By this point, J and I were EXHAUSTED! We snuggled in to bed just in time to catch the premier of Entourage. I'm proud I stayed awake through the whole thing! Pretty sure I fell asleep the second the credits started rolling. 5am came much to soon and I am dragging this morning, plus it's super hot in Coffee Buzz (I'm not going to even get in to the drama with our air conditioning) so it's making me even more sleepy! Luckily, I'm surrounded by caffeine and today is my short day, so I just need to make it until noon! 

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! What did you do?


  1. what a fabulous weekend.....cute dog...i want one(:

  2. YOU are the cutest couple ever.


    As for the rain on Friday! YIKES! We were in coon rapids, and the sky was super scary! I got drenched when we made the run from the car to the bar!

  3. yay for you getting to get time off from work!! that was so nice of Sara to work.. even though her last day was last week! :) Babies are def. so cute naked. haha.. rolly polly legs, tiny feet, love it.

    I think we got some of the thunderstorms you all had earlier in the weekend, last night. They were pretty intense.


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