Wednesday, July 21, 2010

On a Diet

I took Bailey to the vet yesterday and it turns out she is 5 pounds overweight!!! Yikes! I knew she was pudgy but I figured it was normal because she's half pug. Plus, I've been feeding her exactly what it says to feed her on the bag of her food. Well, apparently I'm feeding her 1/2 a cup too much a day! So my little boo boo is getting her food cut back and is going to be getting carrots and apples for treats for a while. I think a big part of the problem is that she hasn't been super active this summer. With our crazy schedules it's so easy to find excuses to not talk her on a walk, but we really need to be better about that! She needs the exercise. Last night, I took her for a nice long walk to our neighborhood Chinese place where I got take out and then we walked back. And then this morning we went for another long one....we clocked over 7 miles the past two days! It's great for her but great for me as well! It's going to be winter before we know and these long walks definitely won't be a possibility. We have to take advantage while we can, for Bailey's health and for mine! UPDATE: As I was writing this I got a message from the home front....J just gave Bailey her first carrot and she loved it! Maybe this diet won't be so bad after all!

In other news, I received this lovely award from the beautiful Miss K from Love, Lipstick, and Pearls. If you don't follow her need to! She's fun, stylish and gives great beauty tips! Plus she does an occasional Hot Man Parade and just recently got engaged!!!

Thanks Chica!!!!


  1. Awww poor Bailey!

    Thanks for the shout out love! You're so sweet!

  2. Congrats on the award!

    Good thing she loves carrots! :) I hope the puppy diet goes well!!! :)

  3. Aw! Such a cutie pie! She doesn't look like she needs to lose weight... but good idea with the walks! My little doggy is so tiny that I end up carrying her after about 2 minutes on just about every walk we've ever been on. Congrats on the award!


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