Monday, August 9, 2010

Busy Bee, Literally

My mom's wedding was great! We all had so much fun! It went off without a hitch and my mom looked absolutely beautiful. I didn't take as many pictures as I would have liked, so I decided you all have to wait to see pics until we get the professional ones back. Speaking of which, one of my best friends from high school was the photographer for my mom's wedding and I cannot wait to see what she did! She is super talented and it was so nice having her there for the big day. Check out and follow her blog: point and blog. is actually Katie's birthday!

Happy Birthday my friend! I love you!
This pic is OLD SCHOOL! I think it's from the summer after freshman year of college! We look so little.

As for the rest of the weekend, Saturday morning we met my mom and my step-dad (weird!) for brunch downtown. Then Saturday night we watched the UFC....any of you girls UFC fans like me? I don't know what it is but I love watching those guys beat the piss out of each other and Saturday night's fights were awesome! Yesterday, I spent most of the day by the pool. Then J and I went to the mall to find him some news shorts and a couple new shirts, then went for a nice long walk around the neighborhood with our furry little baby. 
It was another super fun, super jam packed weekend. Which brings me to the title of this post. I was looking at our calendar last week and noticed that the next free weekend we have is October 15-17th. How insane is that? We have so much fun stuff planned but it makes me tired just thinking of it! Here's a rundown of the excitement to come!

8/14: My dear friend's baby boy's 1st Birthday party! 
8/21: J's 30th Birthday Party!!!! 
8/28: J's Family's BBQ and the UFC (huge fight this night)
9/4: College Football Kick Off party at my friend's Matt & Jessi's! (follow Jessi's blog! Real Housewife in Minnesota)
9/11: MN GOLDEN GOPHERS FOOTBALL HOME OPENER (you will soon learn of my Gopher Football obsession!) Then after the game J and I are having a party to watch some amazing college  football games that are on that day
9/18: Gophers vs USC....sure to be an amazing time even though the Goph's will lose by 30. 
9/25: Gopher vs Northern Illinois. First night game of the year! 
10/2: HOMECOMING/Gophers vs. Northwestern! One of my favorite days of the year!!!
10/9: Zombie Pub Crawl. Yes, Zombie Pub Crawl (more on that closer to this date!!!)

Can you even handle all that fun? I can't. I need a nap! 


  1. that is a whole lotta busyness. Happy birthday to your friend:) enjoy

  2. How exciting! Congrats on getting a step dad! :)

    Happy Birthday to your friend... and the picture proves you've ALWAYS been beautiful!

    Seems you have a busy fall! I can. not. wait. for football season. Its on like donkey kong! Do you play fantasy football? One of my blog friends is hosting an all girls ff team! You should join!

    Also my brother fights MMA. Scares the crap out of me! He's super into UFC so when I lived with him I watched it every time it was on tv! It was also in like EVERY bar in Gainesville (where I lived for a year.) I'll watch it.. but not by myself!

  3. Congrats to your mom and new stepdad! You guys really are busy little bees! the last month of summer is always insane. can't wait to see the pro pics!

  4. Congrats to your Mom, fun times :-D I'm sooo ready for football season too, I just love college sports! One of my friends went on the Zombie Pubcrawl last year and it looked like soooo much fun!! She carried around a fake, bloody leg all night long ;-)

  5. Can't wait to see the pics! Congrats to your mama!!


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