Friday, August 13, 2010

Fashion Friday

Before I can talk about fashion, I have to briefly talk about dancing! The So You Think You Can Dance finale was last night and it was AMAZING! We got to see all the best routines from the season, got to see Ellen bust a hip hop routine and the amazingly talented Lauren Froederman took home the title of America's Favorite Dancer! I have loved her from the beginning, and even though my loyalty switched to Robert halfway through the season, I was so happy to see her win. These top three were my top 2-4 dancers of all time (Twitch is number 1). This season was so fabulous and I am super sad it's over.

Back to business. Last night's Project Runway was one of the unconventional challenges. The designers had $100 dollars to spend at Party Glitter to get the materials for their design. Normally, these challenges bring out some horrifying designs but I was really impressed with this season's creativity and ability to make, overall, some pretty cute stuff.  
My favorites were.....

I LOVE this dress! Valerie made this super cute, sexy, stylish and fun dress out of napkins! It's made out of frickin napkins people! The back was super cute too (I couldn't find a picture) but it had braided napkin straps. Unbelievable. I think Valerie has been snubbed for the win two weeks in a row.

Gretchen had yet another amazing design, but her personality is getting more and more annoying with each passing episode. She has quickly become the most hated among the designers and I foresee some drama with her. This look was adorable though. She was able to make three separate pieces....using party supplies! Pretty remarkable. I'm not a fan of the boots with the look, but overall I really liked it, especially the skirt!

The not so much looks for the night were....

AJ's design, oh boy! I looks like a bachelorette party threw up on this poor girl. All we heard about the whole episode is how this is "AJ's challenge" because he typically uses these kinds of materials in his designs, really? This is what you do and you come up with this design? I was super disappointed because AJ's designs have been my favorites the past two weeks, but this one is just straight up bad!

Cassanova should have gone home. This is the second time in three weeks that he has put something so despicably ugly down the runway. First of all, he completely disregarded Tim's advice to stick with un-fabric like materials a la table cloths. Of course, Cassanova grabs every table cloth he can find and blames it on the language barrier. I think the only reason Cassanova snuck through again this week is because he is highly entertaining! I mean that accent is pretty amazing. I almost cried every time he said "Plush Puppies." Whose with me?

Andy won this challenge, and I'm OK with that. His dress was very innovative and well constructed, it's made out of ribbon! It wasn't my favorite look, but I can appreciate the judges choice on this one.

Sarah was the unfortunate designer who bit the dust last night. Now, I agree this design is not good but at least she knew it. She had a hard time being inspired and putting together something she liked. I realize that's not an excuse, especially when the whole point of the show is to design something amazing under extreme situations....but this dress is not worse than Cassanova's and even AJ's. I though it was unfair she went home.

What about you? Did you watch last night? What was your favorite or least favorite look? Anything else fashion related you want to share? The grab the F.F. button and go to town! 

A also have to take a quick second to thank Desiree from Hitting My Stride for this award! Thanks lady!
 If you don't read Desiree's blog you ABSOLUTELY need to! She is smart, sincere and hilarious. Her blog is one of my absolute favorites!

I hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. AJ's dress was TERRIBLE and so was Cassanova's. Ughh! I can't believe neither of them went home. Thanks for the update I have not been watching...

  2. I love that ribbon dress so much! The sewing machine I bought has the Project Runway logo on it so that totally means that all I have to do is turn it ON and I'll be able to create something like that! :-)

  3. I like the first dress best. Thanks for the update!

  4. I haven't had a chance to watch any of the project runways! :(((( so sad! At least I get a brief synopsis from your blog!

  5. Obsessed with Project Runway. I loved Gretchen's, but I agree with you...she's starting to get on my nerves...FAST

    Have a lovely weekend

  6. JUST watched last night's episode with the hubby-- I can't contain myself, I just LOVE Project Runway!! Pooooor Valerie... always the bridesmaid!! I think she should have won last week and this week too-- I would wear that dress RIGHT NOW!! I think that Sarah deserved to go... even though Cassanova is a COMPLETE moron. Poor Ivy too, right?

    Happy Weekend!!

  7. I haven't been watching this season of Project Runway, but am loving keeping up through your posts!! Andy's dress is gorgeous, could definitely see that on the red carpet!

    Congrats on the award... and thanks so much for your encouraging words about moving!


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