Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Today is Coffee Buzz's six month anniversary! I can't believe how fast time has flown by and cannot believe it's already September! The last six months have brought a lot of trials, tribulations and triumphs. I am very proud of where Coffee Buzz is today and am excited about it's future. Every month is a little bit busier than the last, which is all you can ask for in a brand new business. The last couple of months we have added some products and decor in an attempt to get Coffee Buzz to where we really want it to be. Take a look at what we've done:

 We recently added Papyrus Greeting Cards and so far they've been a hit. Papyrus makes the most adorable cards and I have a really hard time not buying us out of our entire stock. This, so far, has been a great little add on item for our customers. It's a convenience factor that everyone has been loving!

My mom found these GREAT metal coffee cups online! Everyone has been asking us where we had them made because they really do look like they were made specially for us, but they weren't! I absolutely love these mugs and love that they made that drab blank wall space behind the counter so fun! 

Finally, thanks to our friends Sara Jayne Photography and Nash Frame Design we were able to add some amazing artwork to our walls. Sara Jayne took these amazing photos of downtown Minneapolis specially for us and I could not have dreamed up anything more amazing. I love that they're from our city and provide a sense of community but are still artistic and somewhat abstract (which is what I love). Sara did such a fabulous job! Here's a closer look at the four prints we chose (the last one is my favorite):
 Seriously, if you live in the Twin Cities and need  a wedding photographer, or family portraits or some great art for your house PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE check out Sara's website ( She is amazing!!!

I am also really excited about the fall here at Coffee Buzz. We are going to be adding a delicious Pumpkin Latte, Pumpkin muffins and Dutch Apple muffins to our menu! We also started a Pet of the Month program so our customers favorite furry friends can be recognized on our community board. And, of course, we're introducing Gopher Football Saturdays! Every Saturday during the season customers who come in sporting their maroon and gold will get 10% off their entire order!


  1. Congrats!!!! If I ever make it up that way I'd love to check out your coffee shop!

  2. So proud of you guys! It is the cutest coffee shop in all of the world of coffee shops. :)

  3. Congrats! Your coffee shop looks so great! Love all the details that make it so unique

  4. The shop looks so cute! I love the personal touches, and I can't resist anything pumpkin flavored!

  5. congratulations!!! when i find myself in minnesota, i am definitely stopping by your cute coffee shop! :D

    <3, Mimi

  6. SOO proud of you! You are such a hard worker, and I'm sure the hours must be tough, but you are doing great. And I promise I will be in more often...we are moving very close...hopefully soon! Congratulations!

  7. Congratulations! It's so great that you have your own business! You should be so proud!!

    And I love the pet of the month idea! Isn't it so funny how proud people can get of their furbabies? I bet more people will come in just to see their pet on the board and they'll tell their friends and you'll be up to your ears in business!

  8. Wow you are so business savvy!


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