Monday, September 20, 2010

Another Glorious Weekend

It's Monday morning and another jam packed weekend has come and gone. Friday afternoon I met my mom and my BB at Mary Kay's Bridal (the dress shop up the street from Coffee Buzz) for the Impressions Bridal Trunk Show! I went to help my BB try on/pick out dresses but knew there was a really good chance I'd end up in a dress or two. Carolyn found an absolutely beautiful dress that is just perfect for her! She wasn't quite ready to pull the trigger but I know she loves it and I hope it ends up being "the one!" I too tried on a few dresses, one of which I really liked. I wasn't there in the mindset that I was shopping for wedding dresses, so when I put them on it freaked me out a little! I knew I wouldn't be buying a dress that day no matter what happened, but it was so much fun to start trying them on and figuring out what I like/don't like and want and don't want. I've learned I DO NOT like tulle and am not a huge fan of lace.
My mom, My BB, Me and my friend Ashley whose mom own the shop!

After dress shopping Carolyn, Ashley and I went to a restaurant/bar not far from us for dinner and drinks. It was a blast, we had really good old fashioned girl talk. No subject was taboo and we all just spilled our guts on all kinds of topics. It was awesome to just let loose, talk about anything and everything with two amazing girls who are not only in the exact same stage of life as me but who are very similar in their opinions, ideas and personalities. It was so refreshing and so fun! So much so that Carolyn talked on the phone the whole way home about how great it was.

Saturday morning J and I opened Coffee Buzz and were quickly relieved by our beloved employee Sara. We went directly from work to check out a church!!! I knew when my mom got married at Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church that it was adorable and had so much charm but I didn't really look at it from a "I could get married here" stand point. The second J and I walked in I knew it was perfect! It's a smaller church so with our guest list it will be packed! I love the idea of walking down the aisle with the entire church filled. I am so excited to check this off our to-do list AND this means we're about 98% sure we have a date...I've got wait until we're 100% to share. 
Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church...where we'll be married!!!

From the church we went straight to the tailgating lot to start our Gopher Game festivities. It was another beautiful day for tailgating and I got to see a lot of great friends I haven't seen in a while. The Gopher's lost but we played USC so we weren't expecting to win. I was actually pretty pleased with how we did, I was expecting to lose by 50 and we only lost by 11!
Jen and Kelly...some long lost sorority sisters. They were seniors when I was a freshman, so good to see them!

My dad will grill anything...two turkey burgers and a banana.

Our friends Hutch & Andrea!

Showing off my navy blue manicure....I was a little worried because I'm more of a purple girl, but I'm kind of obsessing over this color!

Me, my dad and my brother

After the game we went downtown to get some food and then my darling brother brought me, J, our friend Jake and J's little brother Travis to the bars in Uptown. Well, Nate was driving us in my car and then was going to park it at my mom's house and J and I would cab home and get the car in the morning. Good plan, right? Well we get home in the cab and I realize I don't have my keys. I'm freaking out thinking I lost them somewhere when it hits me.....Nate has the keys to my car/house in my car which is at my mom's. Brilliant! Thank God J's dad lives less than five minutes from us. So, we got back in to the cab and went to their house where we all slept on the couches. And, to add to the awesomeness of this story both me and J's phones die and when we call my brother from the house phone....his phone is dead! Finally, at like 9:30am I get a hold of my mom who of course isn't home to wake up my brother. Nate arrives at J's parents at 11:45 with my keys! Hallelujah. So we all head out....the car isn't there. Nate had to drop the keys on his way back to school so wasn't able to bring the car. We got a ride home from J's brother and eventually we were all home and all had cars but boy was it a process. I think getting a spare key to our place to give to J's parents would be really, REALLY smart.


  1. I loved LOVED trying on dresses. It may just have been one of my most favorite parts of the process. And I actually wound up with something I never thought I would get:)

    And that church is adorable! I love it. We're actually getting married in a huge church, but I really like the idea of a small church for the exact reason you'll be filled with everyone you love. Even though the church we're getting hitched at was the obvious church because my family belongs to the parish and it is beautiful, I know I won't have that cozy feeling.

    Can't wait till you pick a date

  2. That church is fantastic!
    I'm also obsessed with my new fall color. It's an eggplant shade. :)

  3. Wedding dresses + dinner & drinks + girl talk = perfection. Again please!!

  4. A) Love the church!

    B) SUUREE you were showing off the manicure. I think you wre showing off your ring :) kidding!

    C) LOVE girl talks!

    D) Excited to see the dress you pick out!

    E) What a little dilema with the keys! I think spare keys would be smart!

  5. Looks like a FUN weekend!! Sorry about the Gophers loss-- looks like you had tons of fun and looked cute though ;-)

  6. Gorgeous church and I'm so happy you guys found a date (and a place)!! Love that blue mani too, what color is it? What an awesome weekend, I'm so happy for you!

  7. Sounds like an awesome weekend. You are really on the ball with everything. I love the church!! Can't wait to find out the date!!! Love the manicure!

  8. hutch went to UMD correct!? him and Andrea are mutual friends with another friend- too funny ;)

  9. Congrats on the church! it's GORGEOUS!

  10. Hi Kris,
    It reminds me of my days at "Daytons Bridal. Fun but exhausting carrying the heavy dresses aroundl
    I too hate the "Cinderella at the Ball" wedding gowns of tulle and lace. Ugh!
    Lisa had an exquisite gown of silk( Very Blush pink) My favorite designer back then "Priscilla of Boston", We went to Chicago for the week-end and ended up buying the samplel
    she was a perfect size 8 then. When I asked if we could buy the sample I got busted and they asked if I was in Bridal. A nice trick I learned working there.i
    Too bad about Nate.
    It is in the 90's and veryyyyyy Hot.
    Luv, Grandma


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