Tuesday, September 7, 2010

GUESS WHAT.....?!?!?!

I'M ENGAGED!!!!!!!

Remember last Thursday when I wrote THIS POST about how much I love Gopher football and how excited I was to go and sit on the field and watch our first game on the jumbo-tron?  I said that it was like Christmas....little did I know that that day was soon to become the best day of my life.

Here's how it happened.....

As I mentioned on Thursday, the Gopher's played their first game of the season and it was an away game. TCF Bank Stadium (where the Gopher's play) opened up to host a public viewing party. Anybody could go and sit in the stands or on the field with a bunch of other Gopher fans and watch the game. I was excited to do this for weeks. It was raining on and off the entire day and I was really bummed that we may not be able to go. J suggested that we go rain or shine to check it out and at the very least get a picture....the boy knows me, so I agreed we'd head down there at least long enough for a photo op.

J and I were dressed in our Gopher gear and headed to campus...the skies were black but we kept on. We parked about six blocks from the stadium and after about a block of walking it started to pour and I mean absolutely pour. Luckily, we found a little overhang to chill under. We saw that there were blue skies all around us, so if we could just wait out the rain we'd be in good shape.
 Waiting for the rain to stop

After about 5 minutes the rain let up and we were on our way to the stadium. I was blown away when I saw the most perfect rainbow descending in to the stadium. I started yelling, "Yes! Good Luck! The Gophers are going to win!" I was sooooo excited! 
 Kind of hard to see, but there is definitely a rainbow going right in to the stadium

We made it to the stadium and my darling boyfriend bought me a pretzel. After shoving our faces, we went down to the field. We found a GREAT spot right on the 50 yard line, literally the middle of the logo on center field. It was awesome.
 Great spot and the Gophers were winning! 

It was about half way through the second quarter and I was starting to get really cold. We decided to leave at half time and go to my dad's house where my family was watching the game. J looks at me and says, "I'm going to ask this lady next to us to take our picture." I was so proud! Normally I'm the one hounding strangers to take our picture and I was beyond thrilled that J was taking the initiative to get a great picture of us before we left. So, J goes and talks to the lady then shouts for me to get up. I was under the impression that she was taking a picture of us sitting on the field, slightly annoyed I get up and go stand next to J. Then he walks over to tell the lady which button to push, this lady has been taking pictures of her little boy the whole time...she knows how to take a picture. Finally, after I yell at J, he comes over to pose next to me and all of a sudden he is down on one knee with a ring in his hand and says, "Kris, will you marry me?"

I freaked out. I didn't even say yes. I just kept yelling, "are you serious?" "is this for real?"  

Everyone around us started to cheer! It was the most perfect moment. Although it's completely blurry and I felt a little like I was going to pass out, I could not have dreamt up a more perfect way to get engaged. I was completely shocked and surprised and emotional and excited and I still have yet to come down from the clouds. 
 Thursday, September 2nd, 2010.


  1. EEK!! Congrats BB! :) I am so happy for both of you... and now we get to do this crazy thing called wedding planning TOGETHER! Loves!

  2. What an amazing story! Congrats to you both! And I'm so glad the lady took such great photos! The first one is priceless!

  3. That is so AWESOME! Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to reading about your planning.

  4. CONGRATS!!! This is so exciting! The pictures are super cute. You guys look so great together! I love it!!!!


  5. OMG Congrats!!! that is SO super exciting!!! Im SO happy for you!

  6. Aww.. I don't even know you but I started to cry when I read this stories and saw the pictures. Looks like your man is a little red eyed to! What a beautiful moment, I love how you where perfectly happy before he asked and how you were thrilled that he asked someone to take you're picture.... I'm really moved :)

  7. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! That is just WAY TOO SWEET! I love how you guys are decked ou in your favorite team gear and how he asked the lady to take photos the whole time. CONGRATS to you both!!! :-D

  8. LOVE that it was all caught on camera!! Amazing! Congratulations!!

  9. What a great story! I love it!!! I am so excited for you. If I can help in any way...let me know. I have a million names of people, vendors etc... YEAAAA!!!! Maybe a maroon and gold wedding dress!?! :-)

  10. Yay again, I am excited for the both of you!!! PS. I <3 your blog!

    -Teeny :)

  11. Congrats!!!!! That's such a cute story!

    Enjoy this time, it goes so fast, and will be the most amazing ride of your life.



    Does this mean yellow and gold are your wedding colors?

    (Just realized that someone else made a similar comment)

    You at least need a gopher garder!

  13. SO exciting! What a wonderful proposal and great pictures!! Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!

  14. how exciting!!!! And that is such a cute way to propose!!!

    It's fun to find another MN blogger! Can't wait to read more!



  15. What a sweet engagement! Congratulationsss!!!

  16. WAHOO!!! CONGRATS love!!! I'm so excited for you and what a sweet story!!

  17. congrats!!! soooo cute!!!!! i LOVE the picture of you with your hands on your head! hahaha i love it, congrats again and enjoy this time of pure engagement bliss- it's such a FUN TIME!! xo, A

  18. AHHHHH.....how exciting!!! :)
    i LOVE the story!! how sweet!
    CONGRATS hun, love all the pictures that captured everything!!

  19. Awwww, so happy for you!! And what a great engagement story!! I love how the woman taking the pictures captured it so well!! CONGRATS!!!!

  20. ahhh!!! :) that is so so so exciting!! CONGRATS!!! he did such an awesome job! how perfect to be on the football field of your fav team!!! :)

  21. YAY!!! Congrats girl!!!! How sweet! Happy planning! :)

  22. Congrats! Love the story and pics. Enjoy living on Cloud 9! It's so great!

  23. OMG I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! I just cried reading that post. I feel like in the short time I've been reading your blog I've secretly been waiting for this post. I think i even said it once! CONGRATULATIONS! You are the most adorable couple and that was the most perfect engagement. Your a lucky girl! Congrats x a million!!

  24. Beautiful story! How romantic with the rainbow and all!! Congratulations!!!

  25. can't wait to see the ring in person! i love you both!

  26. Congratulations!! I love the picture where you were grabbing your hat! :-)

    You're going to be a beautiful bride!

    And you can totally see the rainbow and that is so cool :-)

  27. That is adorable!! Congratulations!!

  28. What a great story!!! Congratulations!! That's amazing. :-)

  29. I love how you were getting annoyed with the lady who was going to be snapping your pictures of your man proposing! LOL Congrats and Best Wishes!!! A new chapter in your life has just begun~

  30. Ahhhhhhhh!!!! I'm legit screaming right now!!! This is so exciting!! CONGRATS!! How special and adorable! Enjoy every moment of this!!
    And um we're gonna need to see a closeup of that BLING thanks!!

  31. Aww congrats! So exciting and cute proposal story!

  32. Congrats! It's so cute you have a picture of the exact moment, and your reaction in the first pic is hilarious!

  33. how cute! good thing you got pics! jsut found your blog, stop by mine sometime www.simplymedb.blogspot.com :)

  34. Oh my goodness, those are the cutest pictures ever that capture you getting engaged!!! Congrats again!

    Liesl :)

    P.S. I love the rainbow pic too!

  35. OHEMGEE what a great story!



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