Friday, October 15, 2010

The Opposite of Me

A few months ago, new author Sarah Pekkanen contacted me (after reading my blog! whoop!) and asked if I would be willing to read and write a review on her debut novel, "The Opposite of Me." I was thrilled! Since my life has been insanity lately it's taken me a while to get through the book, but I finally finished it and I loved it!

"Twenty-nine-year old Lindsey Rose has, for as long as she can remember, lived in the shadow of her ravishingly beautiful fraternal twin sister, Alex. Determined to get noticed, Lindsey is finally on the cusp of being named VP creative director of an elite New York advertising agency, after years of eighty-plus-hour weeks, migraines and profound loneliness. But during the course of one devastating night, Lindsey's carefully constructed life implodes. Humiliated, she flees the glitter of Manhattan and retreats to the time warp of her parents' Maryland home. As her sister plans her lavish wedding to her Prince Charming, Lindsey struggles to maintain her identity as the smart, responsible twin while she furtively tries to piece her career back together. But things get more complicated when a long-held family secret is unleashed that forces both sisters to reconsider who they are and who they are meant to be." (Book's synopsis)

I have to be honest, when I started this book I wasn't sure if I was going to like it. Successful career woman, living in New York City, workaholic, non-existent love-life....we've read it before. But this book is so much more than the finding yourself love story that we've all read a thousand times. It's more about finding yourself than it is about love and it's more about family relationships than it is romantic ones. Pekkanen really explores family dynamics and personal roles within the family. Lindsey is the "smart" twin and Alex is the "pretty" twin and throughout the book they each discover themselves, find a place in their family and build a relationship that was never there before. Pekkanen's writing style is really refreshing. She is witty and funny and incredibly descriptive. I couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculous but lovable parents and I even cried, shed real live tears, more than once. I loved that I totally thought I was predicting the ending and all of a sudden there was a wrench thrown in that completely proved me wrong.

The book has been getting some amazing reviews all across the country. Here's what people are saying...

"Pekkanen's wry voice and engaging characters - the sisters' bumbling parents are especially lovable - keep things fresh. 3.5 out of 4 stars."
- People magazine
"With her smart, soulful novel, author Pekkanen explores the place where self and sisterhood intersect." 
- Redbook magazine

"Fresh and funny and satisfying. A terrific book about sisters that actually made me laugh out loud. I was completely drawn into Lindsey’s world and rooted for her from beginning to end."
– Jennifer Weiner
#1 New York Times bestselling author
of "Best Friends Forever"
and "In Her Shoes"

If you're looking for a nice easy read that is heartfelt but not too mushy, I highly recommend "The Opposite of Me." Click on THIS LINK to read the first chapter!


  1. This does sound great! I'm gonig to add it to my "to read" book list!

  2. I've been searching for a new read! Yay!

  3. Sounds like a great book to read on the beach during our honeymoon! Gonna pick it up today :-)

  4. :) i want to check this book out!

  5. The first chapter completely pulled me in immediately I'm going to have to get this book!!!


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