Friday, October 8, 2010

Zombie Pub Crawl

Every year the West Bank of the University of Minnesota campus is overtaken by zombies. Thousands of people get dressed to the nines in their best zombie apparel and crawl from pub to pub while shouting the now famous zombie chant:
What do we want? "Brains!"
When do we want ’em? "Braaains!!!"

The Zombie Pub Crawl started in 2005 in Northeast Minneapolis and hosted 150 zombies and last year hosted over 5,000 zombies! It's insane and completely undescribable. J and I have gone the last two years and have had a complete blast. People go crazy and get so dressed up in both amazing and disgusting outfits. One fun part is that people often do themes within the zombie theme. For example, two years ago we did a sports theme. J was a zombie basketball player and I was a coked out zombie cheerleader.

Last year a group of us when as 80s zombies

Here are some additional Zombie moments from the past two years
The Zombie Pub Crawl is tomorrow and they are expecting it is going to be bigger and better than ever! 


  1. this is hilarious!! i love the 80s zombie! haha

  2. That looks like a ton of fun! We never do anything like that, I would love to!

  3. How fun! I would love to do that out here! Last year I was a zombie doctor for halloween and it was the most comfortable costume I've ever worn. Can't wait to see the pictures from this year's event!

  4. Those pictures are amazing!! I wish I could take part in this...looks like a super fun time!!


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