Monday, November 1, 2010

Epic Saturday

This past Saturday was one for the books. For starters, last Tuesday I received a message from my friend Dana. Dana is one of my good friends from college who now lives in North Carolina. Dana's message was to inform me and our other close girlfriends that she was going to be in town! She has family in Wisconsin and flew in to Minneapolis and was going to drive to see her family, and she had a couple hour window on Saturday she was hoping to use to see us! I was so excited! It broke my heart when I did the math and realized that I hadn't seen Dana in four years! But, it also made me that much more excited to see her. Only problem is that Saturday was a Gopher game day and we were going to be tailgating. Luckily, it worked for Dana and everyone else to meet up on campus so that I could do both. It was so amazing to see her and meet her gorgeous daughter. There were a lot of tears and it was really bittersweet. It was a tease to only get to see her for an hour, but I'll take what I can get. It's amazing how we can go four years without seeing each other and just pick up where we left off.
Jenny, Jessi, Dana, Me and Courtney

As for the rest of Saturday, it was business as usual. Tons of friends, tons of beer, tons of food and another Gopher loss. The loss didn't matter though because we had so much fun. We had our biggest tailgating crew of the season and I hope everyone who was a first-timer had a blast! 
Burgers, brats, bacon wrapped jalapenos and baked beans were just a few of the treats being grilled

The crew

Me and my baby sister

My favorite new friend, Sara

My friends Courtney & Josh...or Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head

And, I have to take a second to wish one of my very best friends a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Today is Christina's birthday and I hope that it is a very happy one! Love you!


  1. :) its a sad year for mn football, but its still been fun to watch! Glad you all had fun! :) It is so great to see old friends :)

  2. LOVE those potato head costumes! so hilarious!

    and those bacon wrapped jalapenos look b-o-m-b!!!

    so glad you got to see an old friend, it's so wonderful to be able to pick up where you left off- it's a true sign of friendship!

  3. Looks like FUN with friends all around, and how exciting for you to have a friend from college in town...always makes for a great time! Loved all the pictures too! Happy Birthday to Christina too!!!

    Liesl :)

  4. Sounds like a blast and those potato head costumes are too cute! Your friends are funny.


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