Friday, December 10, 2010

My Best Friend's Birthday!

Today is my bestest friend in the entire world's birthday! We were born only two days apart and have spent many birthdays together. Libby is my best friend and my maid of honor and we have been through so much together. Looking through all these old pictures I have realized how lucky I am to have had such an amazing friend for so long. We have some incredible memories together and some moments that still make me cry from laughter when I think back to them. I figured it was only appropriate to honor my BFF's birthday by showing you some of my favorite pictures of us throughout the years.

On Spring Break in Florida our senior year of HS...the sand is supposed to say "SB 03" but it washed away.

Halloween one year....we were Freaks on a Leash

Spring Break at Disneyland our Junior year of HS

With our college orientation leader (we refused to go to orientation without each other) this picture was taken a couple years later

At our Initiation in to AOTT

Performing a dance we made up at our homecoming after party....obviously

At our Senior Party

And then, there are our classic "Pissed Off" picture that we have taken at every dance and formal we've been at (here are some favorites):

Our first sorority formal

Sweetheart Dance senior year of HS

Sadies of my all time favorite pics!

Happy Birthday Libby!!!!!
and if you're reading this.....CASH ME IN I'M ON FIRE!

***Also, Blogger is being frickin' ridiculous so I apologize for the random font changes and the annoyingness of the format. SO ANNOYING!


  1. aww happy birthday to you bestie!
    I love friends who have been with you from the beginning and who have experienced everything with you and understand you better than anyone else!
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Happy Birthday to Libby and early one to you. Met Libby at the engagement party ... very good looking, polite and very nice. Be careful on your birthday celebrations, the weather is going to suck. All the best to you both, you deserve it! Love you Chow,Chow.

  3. Haha! You two are so cute, love all the crazy pictures. Reminds me of myself and my best friend. Hope she had a wonderful birthday! :)


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