Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thoughts on Thursday

Once again (compliments of my BB) here are the random thoughts I'm thinking on this snowy Minnesota Thursday:

*It's award season! My favorite time of the year! I am seriously OBSESSED with the Oscars and do a pool every year with friends and family. Once the Golden Globe noms come out I start to see the movies in preparation for the Oscar nominations (which are announced January 25th!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Every year I try to see as many nominated movies as I possibly can....I've never been able to do it, but I sure have come close!
*J and I saw The Fighter on Tuesday and it was so good! Way better than I thought it would be. J is obsessed with it, so if you and your man are looking for a good movie to see, I highly recommend this! Christian Bale did an AMAZING job! He lost so much weight, it was crazy! But, wow, what a great job! I hope he gets rewarded for his fabulous work this award season!

*I hope this day hurries up because I am SO excited for this weekend!!! Friday night is me and J's date night, Saturday we have our premarital counseling class, then Saturday night we're going up to his mom's for what is sure to be a ridiculous time (more on that on Monday) and then Sunday is going to be a very special occasion (more on that later as well!) I CANNOT WAIT!!!!

*The Bachelor did not disappoint on Monday. So much drama!
I officially hate Michelle, ugh:

Ashley H still annoys the crap out of me, and Brad really likes her which is super annoying:

I am so glad he ditched this mess of a woman. Cripes, what was up with Melissa?! She's probably so moody because she hasn't eaten in 12 years.

Ashley S. and Emily are still my faves!!!

*Thanks for all your tips, advance and opinions on yesterday's Bridesmaid Dress post! We're going shopping on March 6th and I am SO EXCITED!!!! You know there will be a mega post about that day! :)

*Tonight after work I am meeting up with my BB and our friend Alisha for dinner! We are all getting married within the same 2 month time period (and are engaged to boys who have been BFF since 8th grade) and I can't wait to hear wedding plans, share stories and just catch up in general!

I think that's all I have for today....sorry, kind of a boring post! I just need to get the next two days over with! C'mon weekend! C'mon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Ashley S. and Emily are still my fav.'s too! :) Enjoy your weekend! Sounds great!

  2. Liam and I kind of have a little wager for the Oscar's. The person that gets the most right gets a little gift from the other. I LOVE IT!!! Hopefully I can catch some of them before the actual show:)

  3. I love the Academy Awards too! Since I have to vote for the SAG awards, I always use the movies part of that to lead towards my Oscar vote it is a good time for me to start thinking about it! :)

    I agree with your "Bachelor" choices! Funny and interesting thing, I ran into Bachelor Brad in LA last weekend, bumped right into him as I turned the corner, and he was very charming, smiled and said, "oh sorry"...the second he looked at me, it clicked who he was, but he is shorter than he appears on the my heels he had to look up! :)

    Liesl :)

  4. My twin sister and I LOVE Emily and Ashley S. :]

  5. yay for bachelor tonight! There seem to be lots of crazies this time... bring on the drama!



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