Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thoughts on Thursday

Hi all! Sorry I have been MIA lately. I have been so busy with work and so focused on wedding planning that my precious blog has taken a back seat. But, I'm here and ready to share everything that's been going on these past couple of weeks.

Before I can share all that's been going on, I have to participate in my BB's Thoughts on Thursdays! (and you should too)

*It has been in the 30's, 40's and even hit 50 degrees this week in MN, which means I have been able to take my little pooch for our first walks of the year! We've gone the past few days and it makes us both SO happy! After this brutal winter it is so refreshing to get outside, get some fresh air and get some exercise.

Two happy girls on our first walk of 2011!

*I want to send love and prayers to my dear friend (and bridesmaid) Courtney and her family.

*I finished reading Water for Elephants last week!

LOVED it! It was a great story, even though parts were heartbreaking. Thank you all for the great recommendation! I can't wait for the movie to come out! I think Reese Witherspoon will be a perfect Marlena!

*Last night was my little brother's senior night for his basketball team. I was so honored because he asked me to join our parents and walk out with him. Unfortunately, my poor dad broke his ankle last week and had to have surgery last Friday, he is on bed rest through this weekend and wasn't able to attend Senior Night. It broke my heart that my dad couldn't be there but I was so happy and proud to be there for my brother!

My bro's girlfriend Tate, my brother, my mom and me
while Coach was giving a speech about how awesome
Nate is!

*On Sunday we went shopping for bridesmaid dresses for Carolyn's wedding! It was the first time all 5 bridesmaids were together and the first time some of us met. Everyone was awesome and the dress picking experience was super fun and super easy!

The short dress on the right is the dress we settled on and I love it! It's super flattering and has pockets! We'll be wearing a platinum color though, which I think will make it even cuter. Now I just have to find some super fun pink shoes to go with it, which I doubt I will have a problem with! :)

*Happy Birthday to my friend Abby (aka Nemo!!!)

*This weekend our group of friends is starting a new tradition, or at least attempting to. We are going to start a sort of dinner club. Each month we'll all get together for dinner and we'll rotate which couple hosts. I am super excited because it gives us an excuse to all get together (which can get tricky since 3 of the 4 couples are all getting married this fall.....yup), it will be a great way for us to hang out without spending a fortune eating out or going to the bar and we'll be able to try a bunch of different recipes!

*J and I are HUGE Arizona basketball fans (I really should explain this in a post soon) and they have abig game against Washington State tonight! I have dinner plans with my mom and sister tonight but my sweetie is kind enough to put his excitement on hold and DVR the game so we can watch it together once I get home! I am so excited and nervous! LET'S GO CATS!

*And finally, TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT! Britney's new video premiers!! SO EXCITED! Hopefully J will let me pause the game for 4 minutes to watch it! :)

I mean SERIOUSLY?!?!?! So pumped!!!

Now all of you should head over to my BB's blog Life, Love & Puppy Prints and play along with Thoughts on Thursday!!!


  1. Y'alls BM dresses for Carolyn's wedding are going to be SOOOO flattering! Good choice!

  2. Your idea for a dinner club is brilliant! I should totally do something similar. :)

    The BM dresses you guys chose is super cute. Paired with pink shoes? Love.

  3. I love the dinner club idea! so cute!

    I can't wait to see the new Miss B video!

  4. that dress is so cute and i love the dinner club idea!

  5. Well, yah, you've been missed! Your hat rocks in the beginning of your blog with the cutest, smartest grandpuppy in the world! BB's dresses are a classic, pretty, sexy dress, nice choice. AND to the 4 couples... what can I say... love you all, seen you all grow and so proud to have been a part and proud of each one of you! Seriously, awesome people!

  6. Good time management skills. Your schedule is clearly organized for when and where you're going. I suggest going to a country club and getting a feel of the extravagant life.


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