Monday, March 7, 2011

A Super Girly Awesome Day

Yesterday was the best day! It started with my BB and I going to Smart & Chic Beauty Lounge (the super adorable place where we're getting ready for the HERE if you missed it). They were having a make up event, so we got to go and try fake lashes and I got my make up done. I showed Julie (amazing) my inspiration pictures I shared with you last week and she created an amazing wedding day look for me!

I really wish I would have taken a close up because this picture does not do a justice to just how amazing my make up was! Seriously! I had never had fake lashes on before and let me just tell you...I'm in love! Julie did the strip of lashes on me which looked amazing, I think the individual lashes are going to be better for the look I want but it was so great to try them and learn this valuable information! Carolyn and I had such a blast, sipping mimosas and browsing through the super cute accessories and amazing make up.

I ended up buying a fab pair of earrings and some new eyeshadow. Julie introduced us to an amazing make up line called Jouer Cosmetics. I bought the shadow "Espresso" (appropriately named for me) and absolutely LOVE it. Smashbox may have a run for their money!

After our super fun morning we were off to my home away from home, Mary Kay's Bridal, to meet the rest of my girls for bridesmaid dress shopping! I have two things to say about shopping for bridesmaid dresses: 1. It's REALLY hard 2. I have the BEST bridesmaids ever!!!!

Our shopping experience started with Britney's Greatest Hits cranked up on high, some wine and some light snacks.
Without a doubt the most gorgeous wedding party ever! Unfortunately, Jason's sister and my lifelong friend, Nicole, lives in Florida. So she couldn't be with us...but we were texting her pictures of all the dresses and she was sending us her input from sunny Florida.

We approached the shopping the same way we did a few weeks ago when we found our bm dresses for Carolyn's wedding. All the girls, and myself, looked through all the dresses and everyone just grabbed anything they liked. The only requirement was that it had to be long. The girls tried on anything and everything and we created a "yes" pile and ditched the "no's." We got it narrowed down to four pretty quickly.

These were our favorites:

Please excuse the terrible picture quality. I had every intention of taking a million pictures on my camera, but I got so caught up in all the dresses that I was just taking pictures on my phone to send to my mom in Arizona and Nicole in Florida. So, unfortunately, those are the only pictures I have of our favorite dresses.

There were pros and cons to all of the dresses. We ended up eliminating that last dress because I didn't want the white underneath. It made the dress look gray and I want strictly black and white as colors. We could have done black underneath but we all agreed it would have lost it's effect without the white under it.

Then, we got rid of the print dress. We were going to do it in all black and I really liked it, but I just felt the style didn't really go with the overall wedding look I am going with.

So it came down to these two:

Once it was down to the final two it got really hard. Luckily, the sample of my wedding dress was still in the store, so I put it on to compare the dresses next to mine. I loved a lot of things about both dresses and didn't love a couple things. I absolutely loved the fabric and style of the dress on the left. The dress on the right had that amazing structured neckline which looked awesome with my dress, I like the idea of being the only one with a sweetheart neckline. If I am being completely honest the dress on the left was my favorite and the one I would have picked. But, I was so torn and 5 out of 6 bridesmaids, my mom and my groom all like the one on the right. So it came down to do I want to be "that bride" who picks what I want and says "screw you" or do I want my friends to love the dress that they have to buy and wear. Well, then the decision was easy...I said "screw you!" Just Kidding! I want my girls to feel beautiful and be excited about the dress they are wearing. I mean they have to buy it and the have to wear it, and when girls don't like their dresses it shows in pictures!

So without further adieu, here are my bridesmaid dresses!

(but not with the stupid broach!)

After dress shopping most of the girls had to split, but my two best friends from high school and I just had to have dinner at our favorite restaurant Big Bowl. If I had a dollar for every time the three of us have had dinner there I would be less stressed about paying for this wedding. We had a great time and ate some GREAT food! I just love them!

It was a FABULOUS day! I am so lucky to have such amazing friends! Spending time with my girls yesterday just made me that much more excited for the big day! They are going to look absolutely gorgeous and we are going to have so much fun!


  1. Love the dress you guys picked! When I saw the two side by side, I was drawn to the black one for the neckline. When you think about it, aside from the majorly pose-y pictures, you're going to have a lot of close-ups and torso shots so you want some drama at the neck and bust. Ooooh, what about some fierce dangly earrings!!

    You are going to have a beautiful wedding and you're right, your bridesmaids are gorgeous!!

  2. Another thing checked off the list! :) I had so much fun yesterday... even if I was dying for most of it! haahahah thanks for putting up with my hungover self!!

  3. Hi, I liked the one that was finally decided on. I think with the body types of everybody that will look good! AND for you my pretty..... you looked really good but what I saw was more clarity in your face but you already look good like that, so are you looking for a WOW factor? I think to suggest to them how great you would look with a Jennifer Lopez eyes look. Seriously, you could rock with with more of the smoke, glimmer, and shine. Love you, your mamma in law to be.

  4. what a great day!! your make-up look awesome and your eyes really pop!

    love the BM dress! everyone is going to look beautiful!

  5. What a wonderfully fun day!!! Your girls are going to look gorgeous!! Award for you on my blog :)

  6. You picked a very flattering dress for your girls!! I love it.

  7. Your makeup looks fab!!! Love it. I think you will be very happy with the choice in bridesmaids dresses :)

  8. I wish my bridemaid dress shopping was this easy. I had very opinionated bridemaids.


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