Friday, March 4, 2011


I had every intention of giving up American Idol after Simon left, I mean he was the bread and butter of the show and the only judge whose opinion I respected. After a stint on the treadmill with nothing to watch but American Idol, I was hooked. The contestants this year seem to completely dominate past years talent-wise....everyone is so good. And the judges, well Randy Jackson is still super annoying and repetitive and annoying, but I am loving Steven Tyler and J. Lo. They are sweet and considerate but they say what they mean and the know the industry.

Last night after the longest result show in the history of the world (man did that drag on) the Top 13 was formed. Yeah, top 13. If you didn't watch there was this whole wild card thing....which I kind of liked except that it took like 45 minutes.

Anyways, for those of you Idol nuts (like Kelly!) here are my faves of the Top 13!

First of all, I pretty much like everyone right now. Typically as the competition goes on and I learn people's personalities and someone will start to irritate the crap out of me (I have a sneaking suspicion it's going to be Ashton). But for now, everyone is fine. I do, however, have 3 contestants tied for my second place favorite:

He is so super talented and hilarious. I really like his personality and he doesn't take himself too seriously. I don't think he's the "Next American Idol" but I hope he sticks around for a while because I enjoy him.


I love country music and this kid is coun-try. He may be a little too much like Josh Turner (only not as hot) but I like him. He's cute and normal is kicks booty at singing those country tunes!


I don't think Stefano is the strongest singer, and he may get in trouble early on, but I think he's really cute and sweet. I definitely don't expect him to win....but I like him.

As for my favorite, well I have a two way tie! I am absolutely in love with...


She is absolutely incredible! Her performance of "I'll Stand By You" from Wednesday night gave me chills! She definitely has the look too, she is gorgeous and has great style. My only concern right now is her personality....I don't know if she has one. I hope she starts to open up more.


Also a country girl, but able to sing so much more than that. She is so amazing! Plus, I love her personality. She is so happy and bubbly and excited all the cute.

Are you watching this season (if not, start!)??? Who are your favorites?


(our wedding could really use that $1,000!)

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And, you can vote every hour! So vote often! :)



  1. I enjoyed reading your recap, but I actually disagree :) I think Randy has turned into the new Simon. He's not a blunt or mean, but he's the straightforward one now. JLo is just too nice. Some people did awful and she thought they did good. wtf? And Steven? Well, Steven never really knows what to say... his responses are always so short. I think Randy always got it spot on and I'm really sad that the young guy with the big nose went home -- I thought he was SO good :)

  2. I haven't watched the show since I auditioned...I was a little jaded by the whole process and realized that they had a type every season for the first few years...I did like Simon Cowell but like you said the talent was so lacking that I couldn't make it through ONE episode...I may try again this seaon =)

  3. I loved Scotty in the auditions! I haven't caught up on Idol though, my evenings have been pretty busy. :/

  4. Well, to your reader Ashley, if you tried out before CONGRATS, it takes alot! I like the two girls you like K and the guys you like but also the one rocker with the disorders and rough childhood. I didn't know you were a fan, cause J is not but I have been thru the years and I really like the judges this year. AND tell BB her "Save the Date" picture is really nice!! AND I"M VOTING EVERYDAY!! Love you both, have a goood weekend!

  5. I've been an Idol fan for awhile, and I had low expectations for this season. However, I've been pleasantly surprised. I think the talent has a lot to do with that. I love Scotty, Pia, and Lauren as well!

  6. Paul is my favorite so far! In my opinion, the boys are FAR more talented than the girls this season. Pia and Lauren are the only ones I enjoyed at all!


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