Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Sissyface!

Today is my sister's birthday!!!

I cannot express how grateful I am to have gained a sister (at age 25) who is as awesome as Natalie. There was potential for serious disaster when it came to combining families with two girls in their mid-twenties. But, lucky for us and our family we are so much alike, get along perfectly, and love each other dearly! In fact we call each other Tia & Tamera because we're like long lost twins!

I will be enjoying a glass of white wine and listening to MJ's "PYT" on repeat in honor of my glorious sister and her day of birth! AND, I can't wait to go out and celebrate this weekend!

I Love You Tamera! Happy Birthday!


  1. Happy Birthday to your sissy!! Im hosting an Easter Swap! You should come and join in on the fun!


  2. Happy birthday to your sister!!!

  3. Happy Birthday to your are both gorgeous!!


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