Monday, April 25, 2011

Bunny Hop

Omigosh! I had the best Easter ever! For those of you new followers, J and I have 8 parents between the two of us....ever seen the movie Four Christmases? That's our life. Holidays are crazy, we're always rushing around trying to see as many people as we can. This Easter we decided to do the holiday with just us and let me tell you, it was amazing!

We started the day by going to church at Lake of the Isles, the church where we will be married in just over 6 months!!! I had checked the website earlier in the week and found they had services at 8:30am and 11:30am, so I was pumped because we could still sleep in and enjoy our morning off but also make it to church. Well, whether I read it wrong or it was posted wrong something got mixed up and it turns out service started at 10:30. We walked in, sang two songs, took communion and then it was done. I was bummed, but it was hilarious and at least we made the effort!

After church we went to our favorite restaurant, Tony's Diner for brunch! Tony's is on the U of M campus and was a frequent stop for me in college. Since then, J has grown to love it and they owner (Tony) has become a friend. I got a delicious Mediterranean Omelet with Hash Browns and J got a Gyro (random, I know). Then Tony brought us some Blueberry Pancakes for "dessert." Let me tell you...I LOVE BLUEBERRY PANCAKES! And, besides my Grandma Alice's pancakes these were the best I've ever had! Sooo delicious! THANKS TONY! :)

After we ate, we went to see Water for Elephants! IT WAS SO GOOD! I read the book just a couple of months ago, so it was really fresh in my mind. The filmmakers did an amazing job of sticking really close to the book. As always, they couldn't pack in every detail from the book but they followed it really closely and I was so impressed! Whether you've read the book or not you need to go see this movie! J wasn't thrilled about seeing the movie but ended up really liking pass that on to your boys and go see it! So good!

After the movie we ran home to change our clothes, grab our baby and head to the dog park. It was a GORGEOUS day and I'm so glad we got out to enjoy it! We walked the path to get a little work out and Bailey had a great time running and playing with the dogs and sniffing everything in sight.

After the dog park all three of us took a much needed nap. I had plans to make a nice Greek meal for dinner but didn't consider the fact that the grocery stores would be closed. So after searching for somewhere to get food I finally decided to stop at one of our hangouts, Champps, to pick up some dinner. I walked in and who did I find having a drink at the bar? My dad and step-mom! So I joined them for a glass of vino, grabbed our dinner and then spent the rest of the night catching up on Castle---you all know how much I love my Castle!

It was seriously the BEST day! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday as well!


  1. You had a wayyyy busier day than I did!!! And I had heard from a few people that the movie was great. I love it when movies don't completely murderlize the books :)

  2. I LOVE Castle!! I just found it this year so of course I had to catch up on it =)
    Sounds like an amazing day =)

  3. that is definitely a great holiday! what the H are you guys going to do when you have children? Just schlep them around to all 4 places?

  4. Aw, sounds like you guys had an excellent Easter!

  5. That breakfast looks YUMMY!!! And blueberry pancakes for dessert?? DOUBLE YUM.

    Glad you had a good weekend! I can't wait to see Water for Elephants!

  6. I can't wait to go see Water for Elephants :)


  7. Aww sounds like a great day!! 8 parents? Wow, I had to think for a couple minutes of how thats possible. But now I think I know! Lol. Glad you had a good Easter

  8. sounds like a fantastic day!!! i'm so glad to hear that water for elephants was good because i'm so looking forward to seeing it! ;)

  9. fun weekend! isn't it so nice to just take some time for yourselves!!! I'm so glad you said J liked Water for Elephants, i'll def pass that info on to my man! :P


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