Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Guest Who!

One of my favorite bloggers and good blog friend, Miss K, is getting married this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so very excited for her and her fiance, Matt! It has been so fun getting to know Miss K through our blogs, facebook and e-mail and I have loved following along during her wedding planning! Miss K is going to be an absolutely stunning bride and I can't wait to see the details of her big day come together!

Miss K was sweet enough to ask me to guest post on her fabulous fashion blog Love, Lipstick, and Pearls while she is running around getting ready to get hitched! I am so excited and so honored to be appearing on her wonderful blog and sharing some of my favorite things!

So pretty, pretty please head on over to
and check out my post!


  1. How exciting!!! All the best to them and how fun that you get to appear on her blog while she is enjoying her BIG day!

    Liesl :)

  2. I loved it! I think you convinced me to bite the bullet and just buy the smashbox primer. I have always used the samples.. I think its time to get the full size!
    I noticed in your pic that your boo is wearing an A&M shirt? Did I somehow miss on here that he went to school there? Thats where I went to school so I just had to ask!

  3. So exciting! Heading to her blog right now!

  4. New follower here!!! I'm also engaged and getting married!! I hope you'll check out my blog and blog hop!

  5. thank you so much love! i can't wait for your big day!


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