Monday, May 30, 2011

I See London, I See France.....

For some odd reason I was really stressed about what kind of underwear to wear on my wedding day. I realize I have over 5 months, but it's the little things....gotta get stuff crossed of the list!

Let me preface this with a few things...

1. I hate being "bunchy." Ask J. This is my term for clothes riding up or twisting or rolling or doing whatever annoying things clothes (and underwear) do to make you uncomfortable.

2. I over-analyze everything and am terrible at making decisions. Ask J.

3. I am wearing a slip underneath my dress to give it some volume....a slip seems like a great way to get bunchy.

I could not decide for the life of me what kind of underwear option would be best. I mean, I'm going to be wearing this underwear for something like 15 hours, under a wedding dress and a needs to be comfortable. If I get bunchy, there's no way to fix it (except that my wonderful BB has offered to climb up my dress and fix any issues I may have...thanks man.) At the same time, I want these undies to be cute!

Initially I wanted to do something like this:

or this

But, ordering my wedding day underwear online would stress me out...what if they don't fit? What if they're uncomfortable? What if they turn out ugly?

I decided I definitely needed to try stuff I headed to Victoria's Secret and pretty much tried on every style they had in the store.

I thought maybe a comfy cotton thong would be a good idea....

but, then decided a thong might drive me crazy.

So, I tried on these super cute lacy boy shorts....

but, they looked really not cute on me. This might surprise you but my legs and stomach don't exactly look like the model's.

So, I said screw it, shapewear it is...

but, my dress has this built-in (what I call seat belt) that fastens around my back and really pulls me in. So I don't think I need this. Plus, how bunchy would that get?

The I found the cheekies....

They're part boyshort and part thong and they come in a million different patterns and fabrics! I got the super soft microfiber ones with lace trim and sticking with my theme they are (obviously) black and white. Polka dots to be exact!

They are super cute, super comfy and still sexy. AND, I tried them on with my dress and slip and I don't foresee any bunchi-ness!

What did you ladies wear under your dress?


  1. sounds great!! :) sexy and comfy! That's what you need.. I ended up wearing a white lacey thong :) but no matter what you choose, (if you change your mind) make sure it's not uncomfy or bunchy for sure. u wanna party it up and not be worrying about picking a wedgie. hehehe

  2. Good choice! I actually wore a yellow lace pair of cheekies to mine, so I can totally cosign your decision =) They're adorbs!

  3. Its not crazy im thinking about the same thing!

  4. Cheekies from VS are my favorite!!!

    I haven't thought about this, so thanks for bringing it up!!

  5. I wore shapewear. Got a kind that had really thin material, from Target! They worked great but I adore the VS Cheekies, I wear them all the time. :)

  6. i thought the same thing! i ended up wearing a regular thong and some shapewear over it that i didn't need, but it made me feel better, then took it off halfway through.

    Kristen from Love Lipstick and Pearls

    (blogger comments is still being lame)

  7. This was one of those details I totally almost forgot about!! I ended up going with a white lace thong from VS and had no problems :)

  8. LOL I love that you are planning this cute. You and Carolyn are SERIOUS planners and I wish I knew you guys when I was getting married. I do lovee the cheekies as well as the VS thong that I wore. Good pick!

  9. Definitely a great choice! I forgot about this detail too..thanks for the reminder!! I will be heating to VS soon for this to cross off my list!

  10. Cute choice!! I love that it matches your colors (obv) ;) I'm more of a thong person myself, but I kind of love the idea of the boy shorts with Mrs. Lastname on the booty. Ohh the decisions!

  11. in the most nonawkward way... good choice! I have some of those & love em!


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