Friday, May 6, 2011

Save the Date!

Our Save the Dates went out this week and I am so excited! It's weird, sending these makes the whole thing feel real...why it hasn't felt real for the 8 months leading up to this, I have no idea. But nonetheless, IT'S REAL! I'm getting married!

Anyways, the inspiration behind our Save the Dates was this one I found a while back:

I loved the idea of telling our love story through our Save the Dates. In case you haven't heard the story--J and I have known each other my entire life. Our dad's have been best friends since 8th grade and our families grew up together. He is 4 years older than me, so while I've had a crush on him for as long as I can remember he didn't really notice me as more than a friend until about 3 1/2 years ago. After reconnecting at his dad's 50th Birthday Party, we went out and the rest is history. If you want all the juicy details READ THIS!

Anyways, with the help of my friend Chris, we used this concept...turned it black and white (duh) and created our own Love Story Save the Dates!

So without further adieu......

I absolutely love it! I loved the proof when I saw it, but I can tell you it does not do it justice. Our friend, Joel, who printed these did an amazing job. The quality was perfection! If you live in the Twin Cities and are in need of an amazing printer please check out Bryant Graphics!!!

Officially less than 6 months....!


  1. THOSE ARE ADORABLE!! I love love love them! you guys are so cute :)

    they came out amaaazing!

  2. OMG I LOVE your save the dates! That is sooo cute girl!


  3. I love them!! They fit perfectly for you guys...what a cute idea to combine your love story!

  4. Wonderful! Such a sweet save the date!!

  5. Such a cute idea. They are great!

  6. What a cute concept! I haven't seen that before, but I'm totally loving it!! Hooray for your STD's being sent out!!

  7. I had no idea you guys have known each other all your lives! I love your save the date. :D

  8. i love these so much! i've never seen anything like them and i think they're so amazing and special! yay! ;)

  9. Oh my gosh these are so awesome! I'm guessing those are some of your engagement shots? So perfect! LOVE

  10. LOVE them!! so cute and personal!


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