Friday, May 20, 2011

Things That Annoy the CRAP Out of Me

-Looky Lou traffic jams--mind your own damn business and drive. There is no reason why my commute should take longer because you are so gosh darn nosy you can't drive by an abandoned car without hitting the brakes.

-Nervous laughs. It's OK to be nervous, just don't laugh. It's awkward to watch you laugh when nothing is remotely funny.

-Crunches. They hurt and doing 5 of them does not give me a six pack.

-Making me feel guilty for not being available to do something when you give me 2 hours notice. Ummm, I own a business and work 2 additional jobs. I also have a fiance, a puppy, a turtle and a fish to take care of. I have a busy schedule....get over yourself. I need at least a week, it might annoy you, but that's how I work.

-Bus girl. There is a girl who walks by Coffee Buzz EVERY.SINGLE.MORNING on her way to the bus stop (J and I named her bus girl) the 13 months we have been open she hasn't come in ONCE. She doesn't even look in the window. It bugs me.

-People who read my blog but don't comment or follow....c'mon guys, I need to feel the love! :)

-People who don't listen! Especially coffee customers who don't listen....if I ask you if you want room for cream and you say "no" then why the F are you dumping hot coffee in to my trash can (melting the bag and causing a huge mess) to make room for cream? I GLADLY would have left you room, that's why I asked.

-Ponytail headaches. Ugh.

-People who speed and tail you at 5:30am. Really? It's 5:30am. What's the rush? Plus, I just woke get away from me.

-These two:

-People whose mouths are always open, no matter what they're know you can breath out of your nose too?

-Working Saturdays.

-When cars leave huge gaps between each other at a turn light. Just turn promptly and more of us can get through the light....simple.

-When people stop walking abruptly, or are just standing in the middle of a walkway (think mall, walking trail, Target....anywhere really). Can't you just move aside?

-Coffee grounds...I realize this is ridiculous considering where I spend most of my time but they're tiny, hard to clean up and they get EVERYWHERE. They drive me bananas.

Whew, I feel better.


ps. Happy Birthday to my dogg, Robyn!

I wouldn't "whip my hair" with anyone but you!


  1. i totally agree with the majority of your annoyances. especially the traffic ones. i get into those types of jams EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. on my way home from work. it's ridic.

    and i really hate people that don't listen too. especially when i'm talking to them on the phone, mid sentence they start talking ot someone else or screaming at their dog.

    happy friday!

  2. I feel you! I have so many annoyances when it comes to people and their driving. Traffic jams that could be avoided are at the top. I get really worked up..think red in the face, some vulgar word choices and hands doing crazy movements.

  3. I did a post like this yesterday too, it feels good to just list the annoyances sometimes, huh?!

    And abrubt stoppers, ugh, what is the deal?! It's like they think they are the only person in the store!

  4. This is awesome!! They annoy the crap out of my two. It's just such an unlikely pair.

  5. What an awesome post!! I agree with most of it as well, ESPECIALLY the traffic ones.. ugh.

  6. Oh girl, I agree with you on so many levels right now... except that I'm a nervous laugher. Hahaha! But the gaps at the turning light, UUGGGHHH - GOOOO people!

  7. UGH!! Looky loo's are the WORST. That is one of my biggest pet peeves ever when it comes to driving. SO INCREDIBLY LAME.

  8. I love this post. I am also commenting so you don't get mad at me for not reading and commenting. Also, every time I listen to the new Britney album, I think of you. Is that weird? LOL!

  9. Ughh traffic annoys me. All of it. People here like to come to crawl to read those lit up signs that just say "Click it or ticket." I mean, really?! Just freaking drive like a normal person already!!

  10. I get so annoyed over people who try to make last minute plans with me too! Maybe in college that would fly, but not in grown up world! My husband is occasionally guilty of trying to spring guests on me last minute and it drives me INSANE!!

  11. i hate when people make last minute plans too. ideally, i would like a heads up. sometimes i don't mind, but i just can't jump and go. i work and am on call because of my job, plus class on fridays nights, saturdays days, and evenings. plus a fiance. i just don't feel up to it all the time. ponytail headaches are the worst!

  12. I HATE coffee grounds. They look like something disgusting!

    Busy girl can suck it. She doesn't know what she is missing.

    I hate PHANTOM readers too!!! It says I have all these followers but sometimes NO ONE comments. WTF.

  13. Seriously...I hate when traffic slows down because everyone is checking out a car that is just sitting on the side of the road. Drives me insane!

  14. Hey there! I've bee reading your blog for a little while now and after reading your annoyances today I decided to follow! I live in Dallas, and I've been to Edina/Bloomington a couple times for work trainings, and I loved it! We ate at that italian restaurant you featured a couple weeks ago, and Edina grill was one of my other favs. Theres a chance my boyfriend and I might be moving up there next year and if we do I will definitely stop by your shop! I loove lattes!!

  15. Posts like this are quite necessary! I feel like doing one myself now!

  16. Good Stuff Toot! I finally read it!!!!!


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