Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wedding Wednesday: Odds & Ends

I know it's far in advance for all of this, but I told you HERE about how crazy our summer is going to be, so I wanted to get as many of the little wedding odds and ends out of the way early so that I don't have to think or worry about them. So.....

I knew I wanted to do a unity candle during our ceremony because I love what it represents and I think it's beautiful. What I knew I didn't want was a huge hideous candle that I just stuff in a drawer and never look at again. So, I wanted to find a candle or candle alternative so that we have something we can display or use forever. When I stumbled upon this unity candle from I knew it was the one!

I love that it's a candle so we can still go through the action of actually lighting a unity candle, but it's different and it's beautiful. The thing I love most about it is I'll use it again. I plan on using it as a vase after the wedding for all the flowers I am sure my husband will buy me. :) I was super excited to see that it's even prettier in real life. I'm pretty pumped about it, if you can't tell.

I am SO excited about my garter. I didn't even really want a garter because I thought it was just kind of a waste of money, I mean what the heck am I going to do with this thing after the wedding? But then I came across this website: and found this University of Minnesota garter!!!!

If you remember from past posts, I am HUGE Gopher football fan and J actually proposed on the 50 yard-line of TCF Bank Stadium.

I took it as a sign that I needed a garter! This site has a TON of different garters and they're really reasonable! I got my garter and a toss garter for only $32.00!

Champagne flutes is something I actually had a hard time with. I wanted something unique but not ugly (so many of those wedding toasting flutes are just gaudy). So, I searched high and low both in stores and online and finally came across these:

Obviously I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the black stem! They are really beautiful in person, this picture does not do it a justice. Instead of doing both of our names I did "Mrs. F____" on one and "Mr. F____" on the other! I love them!

In all of wedding planning the thing I think I care the absolute least about is the cake serving set. J and I aren't big dessert people and really don't ever have cakes. Of course, once we have kids we'll have birthday cakes but it seemed stupid to spend a fortune on a cake serving set we will maybe use once or twice a year. So, I looked for something inexpensive, simple and classic. Once again I turned to and found this great cake serving set. I had the server engraved with Kristin & Jason. November 5, 2011." I really like it and more importantly I'm glad it's done with.

I had been eying this cake topper since I started working at Mary Kay's Bridal and finally bit the bullet and bought it. It's's black and white, it's simple, it's elegant, it's cute and I love it.

Finally, our guest book! I knew I didn't want the traditional guest book, I know for a fact I will never look through a book with nothing but signatures. I thought of a couple "outside of the box" ideas and just didn't really love anything. THEN, once I saw my engagement pictures I knew what I wanted to do. While I would love to print and frame every single engagement picture, it's just not possible (could you imagine if I have 175 framed pictures of me and Jason in our tiny little townhouse?) I decided that a photo album/guest book was the perfect option for us. I used to customize my own guest book! It was pretty awesome! Plus, the paper quality is much higher than (sorry shutterfly, I still love you). Here's the cover and one of the pages:

It feels great to check these little things off the list! Just a few more things I won't have to worry about come crunch time!


  1. Ohh how exciting! Everything looks great! We weren't big cake people either so I got a $40 cake serving set from Potterybarn that I thought was great enough to still use throughout the years for many various occassions. I didn't spend a lot on our champagne glasses either, and they actually didn't get used at all on our wedding day! I was against doing a garter but the hubs wanted it so we did it anyway. Your garter is SO you! Very nice! :) and that Unity Candle is a great find! Yey! I love that you will be able to use it again!

  2. I love the photo album/guest book idea!! I just might have to steal that idea!!

  3. I love the unity candle!! really cute!

  4. LOVE all of your progress!!! The unity candle is perfect and the guest book is a wonderful idea!!! :)

  5. Love the look of the candle.. definitely unique! And I'm loving the black stemmed flutes.

    I can't wait to get to do all of these fun little things :) Looks like you are totally on top of it!

  6. You are Sooo creative, resourceful and darn right smart! Good job! Proud of you for all your work! (Hi J! and kiss to Bailey Mae!)

  7. I used Blurb to make my guest book too!!! Filled with all our engagement photos! I love it! And my guests commented all night about it! It was def one of my favorite things!
    I have it on a bookshelf now propped up with one of those cake plate holder things! its perfect!
    As far as the other things- It totally sucks, but I broke down and bought some Lenox crystal glasses, that never made its debut! My wedding planner broke them while taking them out of the box! So I def regret spending the money. Cake Servers are also a total waste of money. Who actually uses those anyways? Esp ones with wedding nonsense all over the handles!

  8. Your guestbook looks so cute! And those garters are perfect.


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