Monday, June 13, 2011

BB's Bridal Shower!

Yesterday was Carolyn(aka my BB)'s Bridal Shower! My and her other bridesmaids hosted the shower and I think it turned out great! I hope the bride-to-be and friends enjoyed themselves!

It is so crazy that Carolyn just had her shower! I can't even believe it!!!! WE ARE GETTING MARRIED! This was the first of our summer (and fall) filled with wedding events and it was kind of surreal! I don't want steal the Beeb's thunder, so I'll share a couple pictures, but for the full details on the shower check out her blog: Life, Love & Puppy Prints!


  1. How FUN and I love all the balloons!!! What an exciting time for you both!

    Liesl :)

  2. You guys are such good bb's! {even though I can't remember for the life of me what in the hell that means lol} you guys are so cute!!

  3. You two are gorgeous! Headed over to her blog to check it out. :D

  4. Very cute, looks like a beautiful time you all had!!

  5. Great job on the shower! I'm a little late but it was fun!!


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