Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thoughts on Thursday

Play along with BB's Thoughts on Thursday: Life, Love & Puppy Prints

-It's no surprise that I love my fiance, but it's the little things he does that make me crazy about him. This morning I came in to work to find some little surprises! He bought me my favorite Market Pantry sparkling water and left a note in the fridge:

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE when he draws me pictures!

Then, I went to put the bakery out in the bakery case and found this:

In case you can't read it, it says,
"Hi Tootie! (his nickname for me) I Love You!!!!! Wanna get married???"

-I am full blown obsessed with LMFAO's "Party Rock Anthem" video! If you haven't seen it, please watch's unreal. Officially one of my top 5 fave music videos ever!

-I got a new swimsuit for my Bachelorette Lake Weekend coming up in August! To say I'm excited would be a HUGE understatement!

Cute, right?

-I broke up with The Bachelorette.

I couldn't stand Ashley last season and was super bummed when she was chosen as the new Bachelorette, but, because I've never missed a season I gave her a chance. I made it through the first couple of episodes, but this week I just couldn't take it any more. She is SO whiny! And the whole Bentley thing (staged or not) was SOOOOOOOOO stupid! I watched about 15 minutes of Monday's episode then stopped it, erased it and canceled the recording. Just can't deal.

-142 big deal.


  1. I love your hubby's love notes for you! I love when Billy does that too. They have no idea how happy it makes's the little things :)

    OMG just added Party Rock to my workout that song!

    PS-Katie again.

  2. Love the notes. Sometimes they can be sweet. :)

    Also love the bikini!

    Agreed on Bachelorette. BORING.

  3. OMGosh, you will look great in that suit! NOW that's what I'm talking about!... with a MAN like that! Those kinda things for your woman are awesome. Sorry for the slang, just got off the video and "liked it" (oh, I'm bad that sounded like Ricky Martin). Anyway, you are a great blogger! LYJKBS&M!

  4. awww that's so cute! what a great morning!

    Kristen from Love Lipstick and Pearls

    (blogger comments is still being lame)

  5. cute swimsuit!! I freakin love that LMFAO song... everyday im shufflin!

  6. I'm starting to feel the same way about the Bachelorette.. I mean, I do actually. I don't really like her as the Bachelorette at all. She just doesn't seem very fitting for the role.

  7. Your fiance is so cute!! How sweet :)


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