Friday, July 29, 2011

BB's Bachelorette Party!

What can I even say about this night? I had a blast.

We started the night at Carolyn's house with drinks, mini-desserts (which I have every intention of making until I had a vision of me sitting on my kitchen floor covered in flour and crying), games, gifts and super fun girl-talk.

We played the toilet paper wedding dress game....I still think we should have won! :)

The Bachelorette all ready to take over Downtown

Ashely, one of my favorite gal pals

The Bride and her maids

Me and Ashley with Kingsley....the most profound cab driver EVER

Throughout the ride he had amazing quotes such as:
"Everyone deserves is one."
"You're asking questions because you want to know more, not because you're dumb"
"When you get married....gauge marriage like you gauge stock, what you put in is what you get out."
"be careful what you name your kids, it becomes them"
"In America, you think people who talk to themselves are sick, maybe they have no one else to talk to."
"Men are the television and women are the remote!!!"
The truth about tequila:

The Bachelorette in action

Sharisse kicking another bachelorette party out of OUR v.i.p. section...they were totally trying to crash, not going to happen

Sharisse and I somehow convinced this adorable gay man that he not only needed to go on a rickshaw ride with us but that he needed to pay for it.

It was an epic night...and now that we've celebrated the end of Carolyn's singledom we are ready for the wedding!!! 63 more days til the Beeb walks down the aisle! Can't wait!!!

And as for THIS weekend...I'm taking it off! After two weekend in a row of Bachelorette parties I told J that we are staying in, not spending ANY money and doing absolutely nothing. CANNOT WAIT.

What are you up to this weekend?


  1. Looks like a super fun night :)

  2. LOVE your TP dress!! The poofy sleeves??!! That takes talent!

    And the cab driver-how adorable! I love that you remembered all of his quotes! Aw so fun!

  3. Certainly sounds like an epic night!!! :D

  4. love the 80s poof sleeves, i can't believe you didn't win!!

    looks like an awesome night! can't wait for yours and all the pics!

    Kristen from Love Lipstick and Pearls

    (blogger comments is still being lame)

  5. Well... you would have won if YOU HADN'T CHEATED!!!!!!!!!! LOL

  6. HAHA what a fun night, love the rickshaw part..sounds like something I would do!!


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