Monday, July 25, 2011


Aside from the night I got engaged, the night of the Britney concert was the best night of my life. I have seriously never had so much fun! We started at the Eagle Street Grille (which is right across the street from Excel). The restaurant played nothing but Britney the entire time and it was the perfect way to get pumped up for the show.

me, my bestie and my sissy

Pre-Britney shots (my mom joined us for dinner and cocktails before the concert)

After we were all riled up it was time for the show! We got to our seats just in time for Nicki Minaj!

Our seats weren't the greatest, but we were in the building and we were as happy as could be. Well, then a lovely little lady came up to us and offered us an upgrade!!! Apparently, there were some extra tickets leftover from the radio station giveaways and we were lucky enough to get three of them!!! To say we freaked out would be an understatement! We actually RAN (in heels nonetheless) to our new seats holding hands. Yes, we were once again 13 -year-old girls.

see how excited we were?!



Quite the improvement if you ask me!!!

Nicki Minaj absolutely killed it! She was AMAZING and I am officially obsessed!

After Nicki, the big screens displayed a countdown until Britney. It was awesome because you knew exactly how long you had to run to the bathroom or refill your beverage. Besides the finale, the coolest part of the show was when the countdown finally got down to a couple minutes everyone in the crowd started to get rowdy, then with exactly 1 minute left on the countdown all the lights went off and all you heard was, "It's Britney bitch!" and everyone went CRAZY!!! It was seriously so awesome and I get goosebumps just thinking about it.

The show was incredible from start to finish! The set was awesome, the costumes were awesome, the dancers were unreal and Britney....well Britney is BACK! She looked amazing! I've seen her three times now and I think this might be the best show (otherwise, it's tied with the Dream within a Dream tour).

I took about 300 pictures, but I'll spare you from having to see them all.

After the show we were much too wound up to go home, so we went back to the Eagle Street Grille where we stayed out way too late and drank way too much. My sister is friends with one of the bartenders there so we drank all night and our total bar tab for the three of us was $18....can't beat that!

It was a perfect girls night out and I will remember it forever!


  1. So glad you had fun!! :) Wish I could have gone!!!

  2. so awesome! i wish i could have made this tour!! i'm super jealous!

    Kristen from Love Lipstick and Pearls

    (blogger comments is still being lame)

  3. LOVE me some Brit! Glad you all had a blast

  4. i love britney! i'm so jealous! it looks like so much fun!

  5. I LOVE Britney! I would love to see her when she is here but that probably won't happen =/ sigh - -I will just have to live the concerts vicariously lol
    looks like you had a great time!

  6. I can't believe you got that upgrade! Amazing! The last time I saw BritBrit I was 13 maybe? And I just remember her show be FANTASTIC. Glad to hear that she's back ;)

  7. That's awesome!!! Great upgrade!!! I actually got an upgrade to the latest concert I went to, too!! It was NKOTBSB!! I bet I was was excited as you were to see Britney because I have wanted to see BSB since I was 8!! And I'm 21 now!


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