Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My First Bridal Shower!!!

This past Sunday was my first Bridal Shower, and holy smokes, I wish I could do that every weekend! I was a big ball of emotions before the shower, I've been to so many showers before and to think that I was the bride this time, this shower was for ME was completely overwhelming.

My Aunt Toni and Cousin Ali were the lovely hosts:

So sad this pic is blurry!
The shower was out by Toni's pool and it was a perfect day!

We played some great games, one of which was a new spin on the old "Toilet Paper Wedding Dress Game." My Aunt got a ton of random items and each team had to construct a wedding gown, veil and bouquet using the ridiculous things.
My mom and step-mom were the team captains (and models) and the end result was absolutely hilarious!

After the games I opened presents, and to say that I was showered would be a huge understatement. My friends and family are so thoughtful and so generous and I absolutely love everything I got! 

downing my last bit of wine before opening

The best part about the shower, though, were the fabulous people that were there!

7 out of 8 of my gorgeous bridesmaids

My friends Jackie & Shelly and my step-mom

Baby Sister

Step-sister and mom

The gorgeous Mother of the Bride

Soon-to-be Mother-in-Law and Sister-in-Law

Mary Kay & Ashley!

High School besties

The Beebs
And it wouldn't be a party without dessert! This cake was adorable and DELICIOUS!

It was an absolutely incredible day and I can't get over how unbelievably blessed I am to have such wonderful people in my life.


  1. Aww, looks like you had so much fun!!

  2. awww, so exciting! i absolutely cannot wait for my showers :) :)

  3. Yay! Showers are so much fun! Love the cake!

  4. What a wonderful party! Pictures and all look great, wish I could have been there but distance and other issues prevailed. It is so nice to live all around family. But do to horses I have to live further out. But I am in spirit, love and blessings!

  5. I'm loving all the pics of you opening gifts! Isn't so akward posing for them and thanking everyone? It's hard to say diff. things for each gift. What a cute skirt you decided to wear!!! very cute!

  6. What a beautiful shower. Your one lucky gal. You have beautiful friends and family. Thanks for sharing your special day with us!!

  7. gorg shower! you look so pretty and happy! i can't wait to see more, live it up gf!

  8. Looks like you had a great time!! :) :)

  9. Looks like a wonderful day and like you had perfect weather for.. love the outfit, btw :)


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