Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wedding Wednesday: Slide Show

Check baby check baby check one two....

I am checking things off this wedding checklist left and right and it feels GOOOOD! With just 3 months until the wedding I am really glad that I have been a good little plan-aheader! There is still a lot to be done, but it's all minor stuff and I have three months to do it!

Last week was all about getting pictures in order for our slide show. I know a lot of people think they're boring but this is something I absolutely wanted to do! I LOVE wedding slide shows! I love seeing baby pictures of the bride and groom and watching their love story unfold through pictures, granted a am a hardcore picture spaz...but still, I think they're cool. We are playing ours while dinner is being served, so all those slide show haters can eat instead of see super cute baby pictures of me.

Anyways, my friend Josh (who is married to my friend and bridesmaid Courtney), above, is the bomb at putting together slide shows. He did one for their wedding, another for a friend's wedding and put together this amazing movie of photos and home videos for their son, Brogan's first birthday. It was seriously incredible. Needless to say my fingers were crossed when I asked Josh if he would take time out of his busy schedule to create ours. Well, he said "yes!" and then the photo frenzy began.

Thanks to our parents I was able to get some great pictures of J and I growing up and then I was able to look through our personal collections for high school and college pics and of course I have 80 million of the two of us together!

I must say, out of all the wedding planning I think looking through old pictures of me and my honey has been my favorite part. As most of you know, I have known J my entire life and have had a crush on him for most of it. It was so surreal looking at pictures of J when he was a teenager, it felt more like I was looking back at an old crush than it did looking at my fiance when he was younger. It's so strange, it seems like it's two different JJ's....but somehow I got lucky enough to fall in love with my lifelong crush! Someone pinch me!

This is the pic of J that just kills me! This is the boy I fell in love with 20 years ago!

I won't bore you with all of the pictures, but I just can't resist sharing a couple of my favorites:

me & my mama the day I was born

I love my baby brother and I love pudding....not much has changed. I also think that I still make that face fairly often.

The bee obsession is nothing new

What do you all think of slide shows? Did you do one? How long was it? When did you play it? Gimme your input chicas!


  1. We had a slideshow play right before dinner was served! it's a good idea I think...all the guests loved it. Love the bee pic!!!

  2. We did a slide show--and I'm so glad we did. We had ours shown at the grooms dinner, so it was more of an intimate setting. Our close friends and family LOVED it.

  3. Yey! I bet it's going to be so cute!

    We really wanted to do a slideshow but we couldn't figure out how to get a projector without renting it and it costing us too much.

  4. so cute! showing the slide show at dinner is perfect idea too

  5. Love the slide show idea! We had one that played at our wedding and everyone loved to see us as babies and awkward teens hahah!

  6. We haven't talked about doing a slideshow yet, but after reading this, I think it is a discussion worth having. I think it is so cool that you have known your fiance for so long. What an awesome story to share with others down the road!

  7. Your slide show is going to be so cute! :)

  8. During dinner is a great time to show it. It allows the most people to see and if the guest get board they have food to eat.

  9. Awesome pics and during dinner is a great time to show it. Still undecided if we will be doing one or not but I LOVE seeing them at weddings..especialy when a picture of me pops up!! We went to a wedding once where they put friend pics in too and it was funny to watch the slideshow!

  10. love these pictures. thanks for another amazing post. Would love if you'd check out my brand new CELEBRITY TREND REPORT and see pics from my latest stroll through Beverly Hills. Thanks love. xoxo

    Don't forget to follow on twitter for all the latest celebrity fashion news from an LA stylist.!/fashboulevard

  11. Who doesn't love pudding?
    Lol, loved this post!


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