Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Turkey Tortilla Roll-Ups

My step-mom always makes these amazing roll-ups and I finally asked her for the recipe and attempted them on my own. I thought they turned out OK, but everyone else absolutely loved them, so I guess the recipe was a success. A word to the wise--if you're going to try these, make sure there is enough filling on the inside that it doesn't taste too tortilla-y, but you don't want too put too much or it will squish out and make a monster mess.

-1 jar Private Harvest Artichoke Bread Spread
-2 8oz packages of Cream Cheese (softened)
-8 green onions (tops & bottoms)
-5 oz of deli Turkey breast
-1 small can (4.5 oz) chopped black olives (drained)
-1 1/2 cups extra fine grated cheddar cheese
-5 large (10") flour tortillas

-Start by chopping the green onions (I used my mini-chopper to save time) and turkey
-Put all ingredients in a food processor and blend together really well

-Spread about three large tablespoons of mixture on to the tortillas

-Roll the tortillas really tight and refrigerate overnight
-Slice the rolls and serve!


  1. This looks so delish! I'll have to give it a try! Love reading your blog - I live in Minneapolis too, so its nice to read a local blogger! :)


  2. Yum!! May have to make some of these for an easy grab and go lunch!

  3. these look very good! go girl. I'm hungry already for lunch andi t's only 10:42...yikes

  4. I need a food processor. Those look so good!

  5. New follower! I love your blog! Your little family is so cute!!! Can't wait to see and hear more! This recipe looks so yummy!

  6. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm............


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