Monday, October 3, 2011


What a weekend! My favorite couple was married on Friday night and it was incredible! Carolyn gave me permission to share a couple of pictures from the big day, so here are a few of my favorites!
Getting glammed up....and if you know Carolyn, you know her favorite food is cheeseburgers, so it would have been inappropriate for her to have anything else for breakfast.

Me and the Beeb! 

Me and the SUPER HOT Best Man <3 (on the trolley, which was SO cute and SO fun!)

All the bridesmaids at the head was so fun getting to know Carolyn's college friends and sister better. They are great girls and we had a blast together. 

My boy giving his speech! He did so good! (notice how I cut out the bride? I can't steal her thunder y'all!)

We had a total blast! The wedding party was amazing, Carolyn looked beautiful and everything came together really, really well! I wish I could share all 80 million pictures that I took and share every last detail with you....but that's the bride's job! So, you'll just have to wait until she's back from her honeymoon!

Speaking of which, Jake and Carolyn are IN Maui as we speak! How I am going to make it an entire week without g-chatting with my Beeb, I have NO idea! But, I am so happy for her and hope she has the best honeymoon ever!  AND, you should all head over to Carolyn's blog: Life, Love & Puppy Prints because I am guest posting today! :)

I hope your weekends were all as wonderful as mine!


  1. You look beautiful! Are you SO excited for yours now!!

  2. you all looked gorgeous!!

    i cant wait to see more pics and hear about the wedding! :-)


  3. Can't wait to read more about her wedding!

    And your big day is just around the corner! Exciting!!

  4. Congrats to your beebs! Can't wait to see more pics!

  5. congrats bb!!

    Kristin you're hair looked amazing!!

  6. you look stunning... and that best man is super hot!

  7. you look so beautiful!! what an awesome day :-) **and yours is next!!**

  8. I lovedddddddd your hair!! the braid is so cute in it!


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