Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Ring Question

Alright, I have a question for you ladies...

J and I have our wedding bands, which is SO exciting, I can't wait to share them with you after the wedding. But, my question is regarding my engagement ring. 
So, I've been wearing this puppy for 14 months and it very badly needs to be re-dipped and of course cleaned before the wedding. You should also know that I am NOT getting my rings sautered together, I want to keep them separate. So, my jeweler said to bring it in about two weeks beforehand and they will take care of all of that for me. So, here's my question(s): after I pick it up from being all sparklified do I wear it? Or do I go ringless until the wedding? And if I go ringless, at what point to I put the e-ring back on? Do I wait until the ceremony and put it on with the band? Do I put it on the morning of? Do I wear it to the rehearsal?

What did you do?

Also, I just wanted to apologize for the crazy number of wedding posts....but I pretty much have a one track mind right now, and it's only going to get worse the next couple of weeks. Sorry kids! 


  1. I've been wondering what most brides do as well, Kristin! I'm anxious to hear what others say - I'll be checking back since I have been wondering this myself for our wedding!

  2. When I got married I had the same question. I also was asking around wondering what order the rings go on your finger.
    This is what I did. I got my bands put together (my personal preference I don't want two rings on my finger clinging together). I gave them to the Jeweler about 3 weeks before our wedding (I was terrified that I wouldn't have my ring back in time because of some freak accident). I got it back in the week that they said that it would come back in. I was told it was bad luck to wear both of them together like that, so I went 2 weeks with the ring that I usually wore on my right hand, on my left hand.
    My moh explained to me the whole tidbit about the band goes on the finger before the ring, that way it's the closest to your heart.

    I've really enjoyed reading your blog! Good Luck with the wedding and the big day!

  3. I wore my engagement ring up until the big day, there were a lot of people in town for our pre-activities who hadn't seen my ring at all yet. I switched my E-ring to my right hand while getting ready and during ceremony and put the rings together for the reception and photos.

  4. My jeweler has to send my rings off to get them redipped and it generally takes a week or more for them to do it, so I didn't have my rings until right before my wedding. Check and see how long it will take them so you'll know for sure you'll have them back in time!! :)

  5. I had mine cleaned up and sparkly a couple days before. I wore it on my left hand, but the day of the wedding and during the ceremony I wore it on my right hand. E not only put on my wedding band, but switched my engagement ring to my left hand during the ceremony. It will stay sparkly as long as you don't wear it in the shower, do dishes, apply lotion, etc. I would rock it the two weeks up until the big day! :)

  6. I got my ring back like the day before our rehearsal so it was sparkly clean. I wore it the day before!

  7. I got mine cleaned before the wedding and wore it through the ceremony. I just moved it to my right hand during the ceremony and moved it back after the band was put on my finger.

  8. I think it's up to you if you want to wear the ring after you get it back from being dipped/cleaned. I wore my e-ring up to my wedding day. Including the rehearsal. (The day of the rehearsal, I took my ring to a Kay Jewelers to get cleaned one more time since they'll do it for free and quickly)

    And on my wedding day, I wore my engagement ring on my right hand and during the cermony my hubs put the wedding band on my left hand and after the ceremony, I put them together on my left hand. My rings aren't sautered either.

  9. I had my ring cleaned the day before my wedding. I gave my e-ring to my future hubby before the ceremony. He carried it in his pocket and put it back on my finger right after the ceremony. m

  10. I have been wondering about this too! My bands are being sautered to my e ring so I was curious about what I should do since I will not be wearing the completed ring until the day of the wedding. I think I am just going to wear a ring that I already have on that finger or go without it. I know the place that we got my ring from said that it would only take about a week for them to sauter it and have it dipped and cleaned.

  11. We've already talked about this... and whatever you do is going to be great Beebs! :)

  12. I wore my engagement ring the entire time. My husband put my wedding band on top of it when we exchanged rings, and I just switched the placement before we took pictures so that my wedding band was on the bottom.

  13. after having it re-dipped and cleaned i would forgo wearing it until your rehearsal dinner

  14. My friend didn't wear hers until the wedding after she sent it off to be cleaned 3 weeks prior. We both wore our e-rings on our left hand during the ceremony, I just turned them around afterwards to have the wedding band on the inside. I have jewelry cleaner at home so I just gave mine a good scrub that morning.

  15. I've never stopped wearing it, since I was engaged. Even for the wedding day, I wore it. For the ceremony, I put it on my right hand. Usually when I get is cleaned, I get it back within 10 or 15 minutes, so I never have to go without it.


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