Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wedding Wednesday: ONE MONTH!

Holy smokes you guys.....I AM GETTING MARRIED IN ONE MONTH! 
I don't really know how this happened! I have been planning for 13 months now and all of a sudden it's ONE FRICKIN' MONTH away!!! I cannot even begin to tell you how excited I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We had 6 weddings already this year, and this past weekend was the last one (yay Beeb!) and now there's one left...MINE!

I am feeling so good about where everything is and how everything is going. I have been a super-spaz about getting things done and planned and finished way far in advance and thank goodness because now all of a sudden I'm a month out and everything I have left to do is pretty minor. 

I still need to...

-Print the programs and menus (my goal for this week)
-Finish the seating chart, then do escort cards
-Meet with all the vendors to finalize plans (met with the caterer yesterday)
-Finish my "book" for the photog with a list of "must-take" pictures and all wedding info
-Wrap the wedding party's gifts/write cards
-Outline a speech for the rehearsal and reception
-Put together the welcome bags for the hotel
-Pay vendors (ugh)
-Find an outfit for my last shower
-Dress fitting!!!
-Chill, relax, get pampered, enjoy time with family from out of town....GET MARRIED! 

One month! 

Let's see the dancing #1 wearing a tuxedo again....

OK, I'm done. 


  1. It'll be here before you know it!!

  2. Happy 1 Month before the big day! It will fly by!

  3. YAY! It's going to be here before you know it!

  4. busiest month ever! i can't believe it's almost here!!!!!!!

  5. The last month is exciting and crazy all at the same time. All your hard work will pay off really soon.

  6. YAY for only one month left!! Brace yourself! It's going to FLY by!! :)

  7. OMG SOOOO Close, and yay for you having only minor things to do in your last month!!

  8. You're so close! How exciting! Don't worry, you'll get everything done in time! Definitely try to get what you can done a week before the wedding. Don't be like me and wait until the week of to start doing some things! :)


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