Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Who's Been to Mexico?

While I am beyond excited for my wedding coming up in 18 days, I am equally excited to get the heck out of town and spend a week with my HUSBAND in Mexico! 

We are going to the Riviera Maya and staying at the El Dorado Royale. It seriously looks amazing, and I cannot wait to get to paradise. 
Yes, that is actually our resort!!!
But, I'm a little nervous too.  Neither J or myself have ever been to Mexico and we've all heard the horror stories. Don't drink the water. Don't eat the fish. Don't leave the resort, etc. So, I want to know from those who have been there...what was your experience? What are your tips in advice? 
Help a worry-wort out! 

And has anyone ever been to the Riviera Maya? What are the must-see's and the must do's?


  1. I've never been but it looks gorgeous!

  2. I have been several times, but never to this resort. I do have friends that took their honeymoon there and another couple that actually wed there. They both absolutely LOVED this place! I will say- It's not very smart to leave the resort at night by yourselves especially in today's climate.I would never call your own taxi...let the resort get your taxi. Just like anywhere you have to use caution and be aware of your surroundings at all times. Don't drink water out of the faucet and brush your teeth with bottle watered. Most of the nicer resorts actually bring in filtered\purified water, so the ice should be ok. You will love the beach, pool and booze you won't want to leave at night anyways. You can always go to Tulum and do excursions during the day. Have a fabulous time!

  3. I've been to Mexico umm (counting in head) 5 times. And obviously came back alive every time. Uhhh... we have always left the resort, and have brushed our teeth and showered with the water. I don't eat seafood so I can't help you with that question!

    Use common sense, that's my only advice really ha

  4. When they say "Don't drink the water" what they mean is...don't brush your teeth with it, don't drink the coffee/tea, don't eat the fruit. We had the WORST stomach aches on our honeymoon and finally figured out that even though we weren't drinking the water, we were eating/drinking it from other sources. ONLY used bottled water for making coffee and brushing your teeth!

    If you go into the city, turn your ring around on your finger or leave it in the safe.

    I never felt unsafe though :) You'll have such a good time!!

  5. Oh-and don't let the hotel tell you they use "filtered" water. It may be filtered for them but to us, it's still not as pure as what we are used to. :)

  6. I have never been, but my parents and 2 of my cousins have all been to this resort and have nothing but nice things to say.... One cousin actually got engaged while there and ended up having their wedding there as well. Have fun and like others said if you're aware of your surroundings you'll be ok! Have a great wedding and Honeymoon!!!!!

  7. i've been to mexico several times, it's really fun, but just like anywhere nowadays you do have to be careful.

  8. I lived in Mexico near the Riviera Maya area. It is incredibly safe in the entire peninsula region of Mexico. Take the same precautions that you would in a city like NYC or LA, but you are a 48 hour drive from any of the scary drug related things you hear about in the news.

    As far as the water goes, EVERY hotel and hostel in Mexico gives you bottled water. The people who live in Mexico are not immune to the tap water either, so you can be sure that all of the fruits & veggies have been washed in filtered water. Someone said not to trust filtered water, but it is not actually water that they filter. The hotels and all households buy water in big dispensers from companies (like office water coolers).

    Have fun! Mexico is truly an amazing place, especially the region you are visiting!

  9. Ohhhh, your bloggers are truly so informational. Nice to have this insite. The rumors are true about Mexico water but the country is soooo relaxed, beautiful and warm, good people seriously, humble and real. It is sad of the bad stuff going on, but like Ms. Rachel said it is all over! Your Granny to be is in LagoVista,TX (Rachel are you close?) Your MIL and DIL(ly bar) can tell you it's allll gooood! P.S. But don't use icecubes.

  10. I've never been to Mexico, but I know you'll have a great time! :)

  11. You are going to have a blast!! I haven't been there either..it's on my list though for sure. DO NOT DRINK THE WATER!! ;)

  12. Yay. Your wedding is coming up!! :)
    I just recently got married on Oct 9. One thing I have to tell all future brides.. Cherish every single moment of that day. It went by so quickly for me, I can't remember half of it it seems like


  13. we went to riviera maya a couple years ago, stayed at the resort, and bottled water was supplied for us.
    we went on a catamaran boat ride and snorkeling trip - research companies so you get a good teacher! We had a terrible one, but the boat ride was a fun afternoon out anyways.
    Make time for the Mayan ruins- beautiful site and the most amazing blue waters.
    If you get the chance you should visit Playa for an afternoon - they have some fab restaurants in the shopping area and a nice beach.
    Most 'touristy' places will take your check cards and american cash so you won't necessarily need to convert all your monies.
    have fun (and be safe!)

  14. if you get the chance, go to COCO BONGO! It is amazing!

  15. Good advice to turn your engagement ring around when you travel anywhere or leave it at home. Be careful wearing any bling. We found the beach to be a place of concern. The resort pools are the way to go. Just be smart about what you do and stay away from taxi cabs. Most of all enjoy!! m

  16. My husband and I stayed at this resort for our honeymoon and absolutely LOVED it! We were content with hanging out on the resort and spending a lot of time at the swim up bar. ;) We did have dinner on the beach one night that they do at this resort and it was great! We also swam with the dolphins...so much fun! I'm jealous that you will be there, I would love to go back!

  17. Aw how fun! You're going to have the best time! I hear it's wonderful there. In fact, hubby and I are taking our one year anniversary trip there in early May! We're staying in a different part though.

    I can't wait to hear all about your trip, just in time for ours! ha! :)


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