Monday, November 7, 2011

BEAUtiful Mess

Hello everyone. My name is Johnny.

Johnny Cash.

Ok-not really. It’s just Stephanie. I don’t have a deep voice or know how to play the guitar or really know anything about Johnny Cash. Lame-I know. What I do know is that while our little busy bee is off gettin’ hitched, you’re blessed with my graciousness-or lackthereof.

Lucky, lucky you.

For those of you who don’t know me, I’m a sarcastic, twenty-somethin’ newlywed/health nut who’s obsessed with weddings and dreams of one day becoming either:

A)    a photographer (even though the only camera I own is an underwater point & shoot)

B)     a wedding planner (even though I never in my life want to work nights OR weekends)
C)    a professional honeymooner (No excuse here. This is a real dream, people.)

When Kristin asked for me to guest post for her while she’s out being a honeymooner, I knew it would have to be something wedding related. (Duh-who doesn’t love wedding stuff?) But I also knew that I was sick of talking about my own wedding seeing that I just completed an entire recap of my wedding from back in April-yes…SIX months ago. Yes-I JUST now finished. Forgive me. What I’m trying to say is, I’m not going to talk about my wedding (in too much detail, anyway) so if you want all the deets about how we exchanged vows and a sloppy kiss this past April you can put your little mousey right here.

What I am going to chat about are my girls: those in real life and those in blog life…

So let’s talk Bridesmaids. The girls you grow up with, can say or do anything in front of and who never judge you for it. The girls you know will always be there for you and even hold your hair back as you pray to the porcelain God every Saturday night throughout your college career. The girls you can never stay mad at because there’s always something important to gossip about. And the girls you call first when you take your first pregnancy test.

Lord knows I can’t say enough about mine. Bless their little hearts for having to deal with me for an entire 14 months of being engaged…

Perhaps I’m a little bias but aren’t they beautiful?
(L to R: Destiny, Ashley, Brooke, Julie, Moi, Angelica, Kristen, Julie)


Now lez talk Blogsmaids. The girls who read your ramblings day in and day out and still follow you. The girls who, even when you write a super lame post, religiously leave a comment just to let you know they’re thinking about you and that they’re still your biggest fan. The girls you look up to even though they live halfway around the world. Those who read about your most embarrassing moment [] and love you even more because of it. The girls who you’ve never even met but you text and email at all hours of the day (& night!) just because you know you’d be the best of friends if you met in real life.  

If I had my own set of blogmaids to pick out, this is who they’d be. The girls I’ve followed from the very beginning and still to this day. The girls I idolize from their fashion sense (Katie), to their precious marriage (Jenny), to their voluptuous hair (Julie) or even their undying love for the ghetto fabulous, Lil Wayne (Erica). The girl who threw up hang gliding and publicly posted the video on her blog (Kristen), to the girls who talk “wedding” as much as I do/did (Kristin & Carolyn) …no questions asked…these are my blogsmaids!
(aka Mrs. Wayne)

(Newest member to the wives club!)

(One of my real bridesmaids & best friends)

(Lil Miss Perfect Hair, Adorable House & DIY Extraordinaire)

(THE Southern Belle)

Kristin @ Busy Bee
(Our Little Bride To Be!)

(Sister From Another Mister)

These girls have heard/seen/read it all and still like me enough to email/comment/text me on the daily and I am SO glad to have them be a part of my WWW (World Wide Wedding…) Like they say, there’s no maid like a blogsmaid! ;)

To Kristin:
I hope you & your boo had THE time of your life on your wedding night. If you think that was the best day of your life…wait until your honeymoon! I wish you many, many years of happiness together and make sure your husband never forgets these words: “Happy wife, happy life!” Can’t wait to hear ALLLLL about it when you get back! Xoxo

To Busy Bee readers:
Thanks for listening to my ramblings today! If you’ve made it this far, I’d love to meet y’all so make sure you stop on by my little slice of the world wide web and say “Heyyyyyyy!”



  1. awww STEPHY! im glad to be a blogsmaid of yours!! too bad there werent any male bloggers we could have a cyber blog wedding HAHAH imagine??

    only if i can wear a grill. and dreads ;-)

    this is so true meet these people over the internet which sounds SO weird, but you really truly get to know them :-)

    ok so i need to start working on this whole wedding thing so i can be all caught up with you ladies!

    Kristin you looked GORGEOUS and i hope you have the time of your life!!!!


  2. Steph, you are a blogger wedding genius :) I'm shocked that the one thing you noted about me is my fashion sense...I feel so special. When you finally book your flight I give you full access to my wardrobe, kapeash? You are my sister from another mister!!

    You and your dream can totally make them happen :) I'll join you as the professional honeymooner.

    Love ya

  3. Aww! I love this! That would be one AMAZING wedding party. :) It should be our goal to have a fake wedding reception with all of us in one place. Just saying.

    Steph - you're an absolute doll and I love you. :) Awesome guest post BTW.

  4. Stephanie I LOVE this post! And I am so honored to be one of your blogsmaids! Your blog posts bring a smile to my face and joy to my day! I would consider you one of my favorite blog friends! And I think I'll refer to myself as Miss Perfect Hair from here on out. So thank you! LOVE you girl!

  5. I love that you photoshopped my face on my REAL PICTURE!! hahah! You are such a nerd! LOVE YOU BEAR!

    And congrats Kristin!!!

  6. HAHA this was sweet! I love your blogsmaid idea, you are so creative. Now if only I could come up with something as clever. Wish me luck!

  7. steph- this is FANTASTIC! haha literally made me crack up :)

    happy honeymoon kristin and congrats!


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