Thursday, November 3, 2011

Think Happy Thoughts

Hey ya’ll, its Mrs. Bear from Think Happy Thoughts here filling in for your favorite gal Kristin, while she goes off and ties the knot! My bestest wishes and loads of luck go out to her on her magnificent day! In lieu of her wedding, I thought I’d share with you all a little advice from one bride who ran into some sticky icky situations on her wedding day. 

Mr. Bear and I were married on October 17, 2009. From the pictures one would think it was a picture perfect day. The sun was shining, the ocean was just calm enough to not be too loud, all my family and friends were present, and my hubsband looked oh-so-handsome. 

What the pictures don’t show you though, is that it was a cold, blustery day on Crystal Beach in Destin, Florida, and I had been battling the flu for four days. I had no voice, a terrible cough, and a crane doing construction down the beach beeped for almost the entire 20 minute ceremony. I think I might be the only person who remembers these details – and I only remember them so I can share them with my fellow brides.
I tell you the crummy details because I think that all brides should know that things may not go as planned. And if something goes wrong, just ignore it. You only get married once (most of the time) and you can’t let the flu, or a rather large family standing behind the alter, distract you from the big picture: YOU ARE GETTING MARRIED!!
 If I could go back, I would not change a thing. I wouldn’t change the fact that the police showed up because the DJ didn’t go inside at 10pm like he was told to. I wouldn’t change the fact that it was too cold to sit outside, so all of my guests were crammed into a house for the reception. I wouldn’t change the fact that I only wore my wedding dress for an hour because it was too heavy for my weak little sickly frame. I wouldn’t change the fact that… you get my point.
Sometimes life hands you lemons… and we are told to make lemonade. I say, if something goes wrong on your wedding day, add some Firefly to that lemonade and make yourself a cocktail. Nothing is that big of a deal!

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