Monday, December 19, 2011

Bizzy. Bizzy. Bizzy.

It seems like December always just flies by! With my birthday and the holidays it seems like we are running around like crazies. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way during this time of year. Anywhoooo, here's a little recap of what we've been up to lately. 

We went to Toby Keith's I Love This Bar to celebrate my birthday with some friends. 

My darling husband took me out to Bar LaGrassa for a delicious birthday dinner! 

On my actual birthday {December 12th} we met my mom, brother and his new fiance for a birthday dinner at my favorite restaurant, Rosa Mexicano!!!

My baby sister is a Freshman in high school and is on the dance team! We are in the heat of dance season right now and I am absolutely LOVING going to all her meets to cheer her on! It brings me back to the good old days when I was on the dance team. 
Anyways, Kara {my sister} is a fabulous dancer and her team is incredible. They've been bouncing between second and third place at all the meets and this past week they got their first big WIN in their Varsity Kick routine. I was one proud big sissy. 

This past weekend J's best friend {Colin}'s little boy turned 2! I absolutely ADORE Brody. I met him the day he was born and have loved watching him grow up into the darling two-year-old that he his now! Here's my and my Brody Bear the day he was born and on Saturday at his 2nd birthday party! 

Saturday, after Brody's birthday party, J and I went downtown fore the Timberwolves first pre-season game. As I mentioned a while ago {in this POST} we are HUGE Arizona Wildcats fans, they're best player from the past two years, Derrick Williams, was drafted #2 and now plays for the T-wolves so we HAD to go see our boy in his first ever NBA game. It was a BLAST, we won and Derrick had a great game! 

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Can we believe it's almost Christmas?!


  1. So fun, I really do love your hair cut!!

  2. You have definitely been busy, but it looks like you've been having so much fun! You and your hubs are so dang cute!

  3. I love your new design!! :)

    December has flown by here too!

  4. I love your new design!! :)

    December has flown by here too!

  5. Looks like a fun December so far! :)

  6. Such a fun weekend! Love the new blog too love! :)

  7. you and your sissy are identical! did your margarita make you want to go back to mexico ASAP!?

  8. I feel the same way December is just too short!! :o)

  9. Looks like you guys have been having A LOT of fun!! When I saw the photo of you back in high school I thought to myself, "WOW! Her sister looks JUST like Kristin!!"... and then read that it was you, haha ;-)

  10. I hope you had one of the sweetest birthdays, but you will be having some of the greatest to come! SEEE just like Brody. Miss you all but get to see you all sooon.

  11. Your hair is so stinking cute! Love it! Hope your bday was fabulous!

  12. No doubt about it- you have been a busy bee! But it all sounds like fun- what a good time of year! :)

  13. Yay for dance teams! I was on one when I was in high school.


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