Monday, January 16, 2012

A Wonderful Weekend

Happy Monday Morning everyone! I am here at work enjoying my one Starbucks latte of the week {and yes, I've stuck with it and am finally getting to the point where I don't crave one every day.}

This past weekend was simply wonderful. For the first time since I think July {no joke} we didn't have ANY plans on the calendar. It was so refreshing to be able to do whatever we felt like, not to mention spend some quality time together. 

Friday, we both got home from work and debated on whether we should go out or stay in. We both agreed we were too lazy to do a damn thing, so sweatpants and Dominos pizza it was! And we finally watched Friends With Benefits. 
It was super cute and funny but I have to say I liked No Strings attached better. After the movie we caught up on the DVR, and then I got a hilarious video sent from Columbus of my buddies Jess and Katie. From this Jason started giving me a hard time because I never send my girls (Jess, Erica, Steph and Katie) a video....and then this happened:
Yup, we're ghetto. And, no, we hadn't been drinking. I think I had one Twisted Tea and J had two beers. I suggested a rap video and Jason replies with "Let's put on outfits." It is this reason that I am so in love with that boy. The rest of the night was filled with a HIGHlarious text convo and tons of tweets {I know, we're awesome}. 

Saturday we slept in and then I went to yoga. About halfway through the class (which was super hard, by the way) I find out that it's actually a 90 minute class. Needless to say I am incredibly sore but it felt great. 
I spent the rest of the day hanging out at home with my favorites.
Yes, that is how Bailey was laying. She is a snuggle monster. 

Saturday night we went out to dinner at a little Italian restaurant by our house, Bella Cucina. We have lived at our place for over 3 years and have never been there and it's only a mile away. It was pretty cute and super delicious. 
My hot date. <3

After dinner we met up with my dad at Chammps to watch the Timberwolves game, unfortunately the Wolves lost by 2 to the Hawks but it was a great game! 

Yesterday I had to work a bit in the morning but the rest of the day I read my book, took a nap, worked out, got Chipotle for dinner (thanks a lot Steph, I wanted Chinese) and watched the Golden Globes. This is kind of random, but Kate Beckinsale was my best dressed of the night. I thought she was flawless head to toe:

It was such a fabulously relaxing weekend! I hope you all had a great weekend too. 


  1. Glad you had a good weekend Beebs! :)

  2. Sounds like a perfect weekend except I bet you miss your mama. I loved the Golden Globes and agree that Kate looked perfect. Also thought Angelina looked amazing but she needs to eat!!

  3. Sounds like a fun weekend. Kate looked simply amazing. And I loved Friends with Benefits.

  4. Congrats on the 1 drink per week thing! I do that too and I look forward to it so much more now. I'm so glad you decided to post the vidddd :) you better BELIEVE I saved it on my phone so I can watch it whenever I want bahahah you 2 are so cute and the one of Bailey is absolutely hysterical too!!

  5. OMG LOVE LOVE LOVE this video!!!!! I was laughing so hard...ESPECIALLY when Bailey was somewhat dancing with y'all!! Y'all are too funny!!

    You betta love you some Chipotle!! Way better (& healthier!) than Chinese. You iz welcome. ;)

    PS-Jason and I are BFFs on Twitter now. Has he told you that?

  6. OMG LOVE LOVE LOVE this video!!!!! I was laughing so hard...ESPECIALLY when Bailey was somewhat dancing with y'all!! Y'all are too funny!!

    You betta love you some Chipotle!! Way better (& healthier!) than Chinese. You iz welcome. ;)

    PS-Jason and I are BFFs on Twitter now. Has he told you that?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I have not seen Friends with Benefits and really want to see it. (i love Mila Kunis). Also, your video was too cute!

    XO Lourdes

  9. That sounds like great fun! Happy in love! You guys are adorable! Of course my granpup was queen of the rap! Her uncles C.J. and D.D. thought she was cool. BUT.....

    I made your recipe for BBQ beef (posted on 1/12/12) watching football Sunday AND YOUR DILLYBAR LOVED IT!

    Sooo proud of you both! LOVE YOU!

  10. We had a similar Friday night, pjs and pizza! Some nights those are so needed!

  11. I TOTALLY agree about No Strings Attatched! I liked it SO much was more realistic. I'm sorry but the Malibu beach house, fancy NYC not believable!! And I don't blame you about the hard yoga class...I can do about 45 min and I am spent!

  12. Oh my goodness you're video is hilarious!

    And I love the movie friends with benefits! I love that Mila Kunis acts all tough but at the end of the day she just wants love like everyone else =)

  13. I LOVED your video you sent this weekend sisssybelle and tee ball fawver's got MOVES!!!! Y'all compliment each other well!! I hope to find that someday! xoxo you to pieces!! BUY an InStyler!!

  14. thank you!!!! i thought no strings attached was better too! i felt like i was the only one!

  15. i've never seen Friends with Benefits. But my sisters did and they said that it's really cute. :D


  16. that video made my entire entire entire weekend!!

    so to relate to your yoga pain, I am in GREAT PAIN from zumba last night. AGH!!


  17. What an awesome weekend!! I can't wait to go back to having lazy weekends with no plans or anything to do!!


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