Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thought on Thursday

Yes, you read that correctly, I just have one thought on this lovely Thursday morning. OK, that's not entirely true, I have about 30 million thoughts going on at all times which is why I am such a spaz. 

Basically, I sat down to do a Thoughts on Thursday post and realized I am really only focused on one thing right now....being a grown up. 

After getting married something sparked in me, something I'm pretty sure my parents have been waiting 9 years to spark. I need to get my life in order. 
I'm 27 {no spring chicken}, I'm married and I have a full-time job. If that doesn't scream grown-up, I don't know what does. So I have been spending a lot of time thinking about what I want in life and what I need to do to get it. 

In the immediate future I would like a new car, I would like to travel and I would like to buy a house. In the future in it's entirety I would like to be happy, healthy, financially stable and have a husband and kids who think I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread, I would also like to have a clean house. Like clean all the time. 
So as of late I have been trying to get my big butt in to gear. Figuring out bills, creating budgets, eating healthier, cooking more, trying to exercise, reading more books, keeping the house clean, washing my face before bed. Ya know, little things that add up to a better and happier me. Things that will lead to a future of blissful happiness. Let me tell you, it's not all that fun! It's depressing to see how much money I still owe on my student loans, or how many calories are in Cheese Puffs from LeeAnn Chin or how much I pay to watch television every month, and it's way easier to just hop in to bed without washing my face. 

But, I'm lucky. I have an amazing husband who makes me laugh harder than anyone has ever made me laugh. We're healthy, we have a great townhouse and we have great jobs that we love. It will take time to pay off loans, and save money and I may never be able to give up Cheese Puffs, but I think we can do this. I think we can get our shiz in order and someday have everything we've ever dreamed of...and I'm not talking about cars and TVs but  healthy kids, a clean house, a clean face and bladder control problems from laughing so hard throughout the years. 


  1. great post! yay for a happier, healthier you =) We are getting into that this week now that our lives are slowing down some and we are settled in our new house =)

  2. i love this, and want to be a grown up too!!

  3. You said it sister! This is such a great post!!

    My student loans will never end. I swear. UGH.

    BUT I have that happy, healthy family. Counting my blessings!

  4. I can totally relate to everything you just said. I'm 26, just got married this past May, and all of those same thoughts are going through my head at this very moment too. Student loans are haunting my life too. My H and I have been looking at homes and trying to learn everything we can before we make the plunge into home ownership and it is scary but exciting. Glad to know there is someone else out there with the exact same thoughts I have at the moment:) I'm a new follower btw, love your blog!

  5. Love this post. You're speaking to my heart, girl!

  6. Even though I am not married, I have so many of these same thoughts and have tried to do more "big girl" things here lately. I'm hoping that by the end of this year, I'll be able to accomplish more big girl things like a house! It's good to know that I'm not the only one!!

  7. Very good sweet heart! m xo

  8. it IS the little things, isn't it? they add up. just keep chipping away, and you'll wake up one day with a fabulous housekeeper a everything else you dream of.

    but you'll probably still like cheese puffs. (and that's okay!)

  9. This might be my favorite post you've ever done. So cute! :) Those dang cheese puffs.

  10. I think you make your own happiness! And it looks like you have a lot that is making you smile :-)

  11. i loved this post Kristin..i constantly think this stuff...what can i do to figure out LIFE!!

    im so clueless when it comes to life stuff like insurance and mortgages and taxes and blah blah lol

    and you seriously are so lucky! you have such a great life and no matter what you choose to do it will be the RIGHT choice! even if that means eating cheese puffs to figure it out hahah


  12. Ah girl.. I feel the same way about life. Being a grown up is hard! It will all sort itself out.. it always does! :)

    Oh, and try to stay warm with these insanely low temps in Minneapolis!



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